The Civilization games have included many of history's most famous leaders, but there are several leaders from gaming history that could compete on similar grounds. Granted, Civilization has never strayed into outfight fictional territory aside from some crossovers with X-COM, as well as the zombie apocalypse mode available in Civilization 6. Even so, it's easy to speculate on which gaming icons could have the ability to be competent leaders in a Civilization title, and there are some strong candidates for the position.

One common thread among the best leaders in Civilization is their ability to excel with their respective gameplay approach. For example, Cleopatra in Civilization 6 can use her boosted trade routes to amass plenty of money and influence, while Sejong in Civilization 5 can use his research bonuses to discover new technologies quickly. Even bonuses not related to specific victory types, like Catherine de Medici's spy mastery, can become major boosts for the leader in question, making their skills doubly important.

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Princess Zelda Could Lead Hyrule to Glory in Civilization

Princess Zelda standing in an open field in Hyrule looking at her Sheikah Slate

One of the most famous royals in video game history is The Legend of Zelda's namesake, Princess Zelda. Closely associated with the goddess Hylia, Zelda is well-versed in the art of magic, and has been an active part of several of Link's journeys. With significant development over the last few games, she has increasingly become one of Nintendo's more interesting characters. Her strong leadership could make her an excellent fit for Civilization.

Considering how prominent Zelda's connection to LoZ's goddess Hylia is, her gaining a boost to Religion seems reasonable, either as a direct bonus or granting more abilities through Faith or territories under her religion's control. As for uniques, the Great Fairy Fountain seems like a good choice for either a Holy Site replacement or a building within. Sheikah Warriors would be a thematically appropriate choice for a unique unit, either as spy replacements or combat units with stealth capabilities.

While it may not actually exist, The Legend of Zelda's kingdom of Hyrule would fit well into a Civilization title. Under Zelda's rule, it would be a strong contender with a phenomenal ability to defend itself, as its persistence through many of Ganon's schemes has shown. Not to mention, its iconic status would draw the eyes of many players. Wielding a sharp magical mind as well as Hylia's grace, Zelda could be a powerful leader if she stepped into Civilization.

Mr. House From Fallout: New Vegas Could Lead a Wealthy, Technologically Advanced Society

Mr. House from Fallout: New Vegas

The enigmatic yet powerful Mr. House from Fallout: New Vegas is one of the Fallout universe's biggest masterminds, to the point that he basically leads a faction of one in his game of origin. His interests lie solely in expanding the wealth, power, and influence of himself and New Vegas. A condescending and calculating character throughout the game, House is far too selfish and controlling to play the role of hero. However, Civilization could let his scheming ways shine.

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As one could draw from Fallout's iconic power armor, the series features a higher level of technology than the real world. That combined with Mr. House's greed would make a New Vegas civ run on two things: Science and money. Mr. House could have exclusive access to Casinos, generating both money and tourism for himself. In addition, Securitrons could be a late-game military unit, putting his famed robot army to use warding off his enemies.

Of course, Mr. House would be a tough AI opponent to face among the leaders in the Civilization series. His scheming nature would make him a wily rival, cutting deals and maneuvering through situations to make sure that he's always on top as long as things go according to plan. His technology may be anachronistic, but there's no denying that Mr. House is an iconic leader in Fallout: New Vegas. A run in Civilization could be another opportunity for him to prove that the House always wins.

Mass Effect's Commander Shepard Has the Charisma and Skills to Be a Great Civilization Leader

Female Commander Shepard From Mass Effect Trilogy

While they did save the galaxy, Mass Effect's legendary Commander Shepard led a crew rather than a whole civilization. Despite that, it's pretty clear that they have the charisma and talent to lead a small country into a prosperous empire. Depending on the way the player played them, Shepard was either a great peacemaker or someone who succeeded through intimidation and violence. As it turns out, both are valid strategies for winning Civilization.

Commander Shepard's areas of expertise are diplomacy and military skill, although it's also easy to see them going for Civilization's space-themed science victory due to their career as a spaceship captain. Mass Effect's sci-fi setting would probably make Shepard into a late-game Civilization powerhouse with a focus on high-tech units. Their uniques could include the Mako as an Information Era tank replacement, and Krogans as a slow but powerful late-game infantry unit. This could be complimented by a Spaceport replacement that aids their path towards a science victory.

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A focus on futuristic technology would make Commander Shepard a rather unusual Civilization leader, but their skill in supporting and motivating a team can translate into all eras. As a leader, Shepard would be adept at maintaining an army thanks to their background, while also being skilled in maintaining relations with other civilizations, as shown repeatedly throughout Mass Effect. Once the late game arrives, Shepard could truly thrive, because it only makes sense that a spacefaring hero would be adept at making a space program.

When it comes time to choose leaders for Civilization 7, the series is probably going to stick with historical leaders as usual, and probably include a few interesting new ones as well. However, if the series were to ever consider throwing in a fictional character for the sake of a fun crossover, the developers could probably pull it off with the right character. The sphere of gaming has more than enough respectable candidates to lead in Civilization.

Civilization 6 is available now for Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 5 Leaders That Weren't in Civ 6