While nothing has been shown off yet, fans are extremely excited to see what Sid Meier's Civilization 7 will bring to the table. Firaxis tries to reinvent the series with each entry, meaning there is a ton of potential for Sid Meier's Civilization 7, and one addition could help the game considerably.

The aim of Sid Meier's Civilization is to win the game, and Firaxis has given players multiple ways to do so. Each victory type is unique from the last and requires a very different strategy to accomplish. They all have their benefits and drawbacks, but they have also gotten rather stale as the years have gone by. Players know what to expect with these victory types, and that makes it the perfect time for a new one.

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It is Time for a New Civilization Victory

Civilization 6 Suleiman the Magnificent in battle

Sid Meier's Civilization 6 gives players six different ways to win, and each one is different from the last. Players who win the Space Race will achieve the Science victory, those that control every capital will earn the Domination victory, players with powerful cultures may be able to win the Culture victory, the head of the dominant religion will earn a Religious victory, and players that manipulate the World Congress can win the Diplomatic victory. If players turn on a turn limit, then they can also earn the Score victory if no other victory is achieved, but that victory type is probably the most stale of the six.

Each victory type puts one of Sid Meier's Civilization 6's gameplay mechanics front and center. Science focuses on the technology tree, Domination is all about war, Culture gives Wonders a purpose, Religious gives players a reason to pursue religion, and Diplomacy was introduced alongside the World Congress. They also each seem to represent something a real-life civilization may focus their attention on, but one crucial feature seems to have been left out of the fun.

As players play Sid Meier's Civilization 6, they will likely build a massive hoard of gold if they manage their civilization well. Gold is vital for pretty much every aspect of the game, but there is no award for amassing the most powerful economy. While it really helps players achieve other victories, the game does not incentivize players with an Economic victory type. A feature like that seems like it would fit right into the formula, and it would appease many Sid Meier's Civilization 7 fans if it were included alongside its reveal.

Introducing a new Economic victory type in Sid Meier's Civilization 7 would not only give players a reason to amass massive amounts of cash, but it could also lead to a more advanced economic system. Right now, most economic decisions boil down to the buildings that players choose. Each building and policy give players various bonuses, but there is not a lot of micromanaging after that. Players should be forced to actually manipulate the market, create powerful corporations, plunge their gold into useful economic resources, and maybe even create their own unique currency as they attempt to become the richest nation in the world.

While it would take some work, an Economic victory could be a fantastic addition to the Civilization formula. It would help expand some of the untapped sides of the franchise and give players far greater control over how they want to play the game. It could lead to even more unique strategies and gameplay features, and it would help Sid Meier's Civilization 7 set itself apart from the crowd.

Sid Meier's Civilization 7 is currently in development.

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