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  • The Civilization 6 fan community is known for their creativity and helpfulness, and they have come up with challenging fan challenges for the game.
  • These challenges add difficulty and strategy to the game, such as restricting players to coastal cities only or winning with only one city.
  • Challenges like multiplayer games with duplicate leaders or winning without military units bring new and exciting ways to play Civilization 6 .

The Civilization 6 fan community is one of the best around. Not only are they helpful to new players and veterans alike, but they are also incredibly creative when it comes to fan challenges. With a game like this, players can always find something new to restrict or a new way to seek victory, and the challenges are a part of that. With so many different ways of achieving victory and so many civilizations to choose from, the sky is the limit.

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For players seeking something to make the game more difficult for themselves, here are some great and difficult fan challenges for Civilization 6!

1 Pangea Coast

Coastal cities only on Pangea.

A war in the Industrial Era in Civilization 6

Pangea is always a fun map type on Civilization 6, as it restricts the need for all of the naval units, which are otherwise necessary to find more space. It can almost be claustrophobic with all of the civilizations occupying the same land. However, to make it even more fun, players can try this challenge: only using coastal cities on this vast landscape.

Be prepared to miss out on a lot of inland resources, and hope that the other civilizations don't take up any space on the coast!

2 One City Challenge

Win a game with only one city in a civilization.

The isolated city of Lisbon, which is extremely well developed, in Civilization 6

A classic and well-known challenge throughout the Civilization series, the One City Challenge is relatively simple but still adds a considerable challenge for players. Restricting to only one city makes the game a lot more complicated, especially in the early stages. Civilizations who prefer rapid expansion will lose favor with players for this, as well, meaning this isn't just a challenge for players who usually steamroll the opponents with sheer strength.

The one-city challenge adds more strategy and even more of a focused city-building element to Civilization 6, as players won't have their other cities to rely on when things go wrong.

3 Copycat

Create a multiplayer game with duplicate leaders.

Civilization 6 Leader Tier List Wu Zetian Tokugawa Nader Shah Qin Shi Huang

This is a challenge for players who enjoy playing multiplayer games. Civilization 6 allows for the option to have duplicate leaders, meaning a game could be 100% Gandhi all the time if players so choose. This challenge means that the benefits of picking a certain leader are all effectively neutralized, as every player in the game will have the same starting conditions in this way.

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A multiplayer game with duplicate leaders is an exciting way of mixing up Civilization 6, and it is also an enjoyable way to do so.

4 Total Pacifism

Win as a civilization with no military units.

A peaceful city with no military units in Civilization 6

This is another challenge that seems deceptively simple on the face of it. Players might think that even without a military, it is still easy to win a game. However, this is not the case. With no military allowed, players cannot station units in their cities to defend from other civilizations or barbarian tribes. They cannot protect less able units, meaning they will eat through a lot of builders and settlers.

Attempting to win a game with no military allowance is a great challenge reserved for the most intense Civilization 6 players.

5 Alphabetical Challenge

Players' building projects are restricted to the alphabet.

The city screen for Kyoto in Civilization 6

For even further restrictions, players can attempt the alphabetical challenge. The challenge is this: Players can only build in alphabetical order. Starting with the letter A, players are unable to build unless the next project begins with the following letter (obviously, with exceptions where there is nothing available with the following letter). This challenge can become extremely difficult in the late game when players are seeking victory, as the challenge forces the alphabet on.

This challenge truly mixes the game up, as it forces players into a very strange way of deciding future building projects.

6 Total War

Declare war on every civilization in the game and never make peace.

The Norweigan leader in Civilization 6 after war declaration

For players who like chaos, this challenge is the one to try. In this challenge, players must declare war on every foreign civilization they meet and can never make peace or ally with them. This can become a real drain on military resources as the battles will constantly get bloodier, but the game also becomes very difficult if everyone hates the player.

Declaring war on everyone is definitely not a challenge for the pacifists, but it does add an extreme layer to the Civilization 6 war mechanics.

7 One Government Challenge

Never progress past Chiefdom and win the game.

The government screen of Chiefdom in Civilization 6

The one government challenge may not seem like it changes that much for the player. The challenge restricts the player civilization to the Chiefdom government tree, and this can never be changed. This limits the player in that they cannot access some of the fantastic benefits of late-game governments, and while all of the other civilizations move on, players will be stuck in the past.

The one government challenge is a more subtle form of restriction in Civilization 6, but it makes the game a lot harder.

8 One City, One District

Win as a civilization with only one city, which can only have one district.

A city in Civilization 6 with multiple districts

The one-city, one-district challenge is an expansion of the simple one-city challenge. Players must keep their one city, but they can also only have one district in it. For an even further challenge, players can make this district not be one that would be useful for their victory style: Can players achieve a science victory with no campus district? That is the challenge!

The one-city, one-district challenge makes Civilization 6 more difficult as players tend to underestimate just how many districts they usually use in the game.

9 No Builders

Keep the civilization happy without using builders.

Builders standing on a farm in Civilization 6

In this challenge, players can't use any builders for their cities. This means no worked tiles or resources within city limits. This can make the game nearly impossible as civilians will ask for things that, in theory, players have, but they just aren't being worked on. This challenge forces players to rely on trade routes to keep their civilization happy, no matter what the cost.

The no-builders challenge is a fun and difficult restriction to add some extra diplomacy to an average game of Civilization 6.

10 Wonderful Arms Race

A 1v1 challenge where players must compete to see who can build the most wonders before a victory.

The completed Oracle in Civilization 6

For players seeking a more peaceful form of warfare in Civilization 6, try this challenge. On a 1v1 map set-up, see which civilization can claim and complete the most wonders before one player achieves a victory. This challenge is hard, as players can be coveting a wonder only to have the other one complete it the turn before. This is also a good challenge as it takes a long time, especially in the early game, to complete wonders: this challenge can go on for a while.

This challenge forces players to completely focus on the world's wonders, meaning there is a lot less to consider otherwise.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6

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October 21, 2016