
  • Different leaders in Civilization have unique abilities and playstyles, adding replay value to the game.
  • Kupe in Civilization 6 starts with a settler in the ocean, offering unique bonuses and requiring a different approach.
  • Leaders like Pacal and Attila in previous versions of Civilization have their own quirks, such as generating Great People or using city names from other civilizations.

Among the many leaders that have graced the Civilization series, there are a few that stick out for being unusual in one way or another. While any leader can win a game of Civilization, the differences between them is what makes them interesting. Many leaders fall into a set of general roles and specializations. However, there are some that have a detail or two that needs to be explained in greater detail.

Civilization brings together leaders and civilizations from all across history, from Sumeria to America. A player's leader selection is more often than not the first step towards their plan for victory in Civilization. Leaders like Genghis Khan and Montezuma aim for conquest, for example, while Sejong and Hammurabi are science specialists. Each leader having their own niche ensures that the games have plenty of replay value.

Why Civ 6 Players Shouldn't Sleep on Harald Hardrada

Harald Hardrada may be under the radar for some players of Civilization 6, but his toolset is strong enough to deserve another look.

Several Leaders in Civilization Put Their Own Twist on the Formula

Kupe Sets Sail at the Outset of Every Match in Civilization 6

Exploration in the early game can be slow, but not for Civilization 6's Kupe and the Maori. Kupe starts each game with a settler in the ocean, generating free science and culture until they settle, and gets significant production bonuses from forests and rainforests. The trade-off is an inability to harvest resources, limiting some options, although his skillset helps him build a strong empire despite these restrictions. Kupe requires a different approach than most, but his strengths are well worth learning his playstyle.

Pacal's Calendar in Civilization 5 has Major Benefits For His Civ

Pacal from Civiization 5 generates Civilization's powerful Great People through a unique method. After researching theology, Pacal's ability, The Long Count replaces the in-game calendar with a Mayan Calendar, with the player being rewarded with a Great Person every cycle. Pacal is notable for not only changing an otherwise innocuous aspect of the game, but getting a major benefit from it. As a result, Civilization 5's Maya own one of the series' most unusual perks.

The Long Count lets players choose what Great Person they get every time it activates, making it incredibly versatile. Players could use this to get units like a Great Engineer or Great Admiral far earlier than usual.

Pacal's pre-game information slide in Civilization 5

Attila the Hun Runs an Empire Without Names

Attila the Hun is a terrifying opponent in Civilization 5, but there is one odd quirk about his empire. Aside from his capital, Attila's Court, he has no city names of his own. Instead, he uses city names from other civs in the match. While Attila is a domination victory threat in Civilization 5, this can actually provide vital information about the match to both him and his rivals. However, meeting him in the opening phases still carries major risks due to his aggressive early game.

Eleanor of Aquitaine and Kublai Khan Can Pull Double Duty in Civilization 6

There are some civilizations that have more than one leader option. However, in the case of Eleanor of Aquitaine and Kublai Khan in Civilization 6, they are individual leaders who can choose from two civs to lead. Eleanor can lead England or France, while Kublai Khan can choose between China and Mongolia. This effectively gives them twice as much leeway as other leaders in terms of strategy, since they can work with two sets of uniques. If Civilization 7 marks a major advancement for the series, more leaders with this gimmick could follow.

5 Forgotten Units That Civilization 7 Can Breathe New Life Into

Civilization 7 can bring back some units from the past that had potential, but ended up not being as impactful as they could have been.

Enrico Dandolo's Venice Still Features Civilization's Most Unique Gameplay Design

While Enrico Dandolo of Venice has only been a leader in Civilization 5, he's a difficult character to forget. Unlike every other leader, he cannot found any new cities aside from Venice itself. However, the unique Merchant of Venice allows Enrico to puppet city-states, bringing them into his empire, but giving him no control over their production or borders. Playing as Venice is like a challenge run in itself, making Enrico a contender for the most unusual Civilization leader of all.