While Firaxis has yet to reveal any official details, Sid Meier's Civilization 7 is currently in development and fans are excited to see what the studio delivers. It revealed it via a tweet back in February, and the community has been abuzz with suggestions ever since. Sid Meier's Civilization 7 will likely improve upon many core features like combat and diplomacy, but Firaxis should also consider expanding one of Sid Meier's Civilization 6's most unique features.

Just like with every Civilization before it, Sid Meier's Civilization 6 had a ton of post-launch content that added to the game considerably. One of these DLC packs added an optional mode that introduced secret societies to the world. These societies were all vastly different and shook up the core gameplay experience immensely. While the studio tries to reinvent the series with each entry, Sid Meier's Civilization 7 will hopefully continue to expand upon this concept so that its full potential can be realized.

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Each Civ 6 Secret Society Has a Ton of Potential

Civilization 6 Suleiman the Magnificent in battle

Firaxis introduced the Secret Societies game mode in the second New Frontier Pass DLC pack. This optional game mode adds four different societies that players can join throughout the game. Each society gives players various bonuses and special buildings that may prove vital to winning the day. There are different requirements for unlocking each and players can only join one. While they are all interesting additions, they could also be expanded immensely in Sid Meier's Civilization 7.

The first society that players will likely encounter in Sid Meier's Civilization 6 is the Voidsingers as they are discovered once players find their first Tribal Village. They give players the ability to replace their Monuments with Old God Obelisks and give them the Cultist unit. These bonuses are great for Civ 6 religious victories, but the description is mostly just flavor text. This society could be taken to the next level if it gave players a Void-based aesthetic, featured a cult management system, allowed the Cultists to sow even more chaos by recruiting barbarians and overturning governments, and gave players even more Faith bonuses depending upon the chaos they inflicted.

Players will discover The Hermetic Order once they find their first natural wonder. This society lets players tap into the Ley Line resource, gives them more Great Person points, and increases their Production and Gold output. It is a very versatile order, but it only takes the concept so far. The Ley Lines should give players more supernatural resources, the society should give them greater Science bonuses, there should be an Alchemist specialty support unit, and the nation should have a supernatural aesthetic.

Players will discover The Owls of Minerva once they find a city-state for the first time. This society gives players an additional Economic Policy slot, bonus Envoys from Trade Routes, and massive bonuses to Culture. It is a fantastic way to earn Gold and Culture, but it is a very passive society.

They are allegedly puppeteers who mastermind plots, but there is no masterminding going on. This society should give Civ 7 players extra spies, let their spies partake in special operations, give spies bonuses, let players manipulate city-states, and give them bonuses for the number of spies they have in the field while also filling their bank account with all the Gold they could ever want.

The final society is discovered when players clear out a barbarian encampment, and they are known as The Sanguine Pact. They give players access to the Vampire unit which cannot die and Vampire Castles which provide defensive bonuses. This is a fun society for militaristic civilizations, but there is not much to it. The society should feature different types of Vampire units, let players infiltrate enemy cities with these units, give them more power during the night, give more bonuses to other military units, and give the cities a gothic aesthetic.

Sid Meier's Civilization 7 is currently in development.

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