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War is inevitable in a game of Civilization 6, but choosing when to commit to it can make a huge difference. Starting a war at the wrong moment can end up causing a huge problem, while a well-timed Civ 6 conflict can achieve a lot with few resources.

Whether in the name of a Domination victory, to reclaim land, or protect a City State, war is one of the key aspects of the game. With so many different considerations however, it can be hard to decide when to pull the trigger. To help players make the most out of their conquests, here's our guide to the best time to go to war in Civilization 6.

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Know Your Enemy

While the Civic tree has some influence over the fighting capabilities of a civilization, particularly with Corps and Armies, the Tech tree is far more influential. Attacking an enemy that has higher-Tech units is a risky prospect, and players should be sure to scout before striking. This can be done by checking an opponent's Military Score, looking at how many Techs they've completed in the Overall Score section, or by visually surveying their forces.

Getting an idea of an enemy's strength when their army is safely concealed behind closed borders can be difficult, but it's not impossible. Religious Units make excellent scouts for judging the disposition of an enemy's forces, as they can move freely through borders. As a bonus, low-tier Religious Units, such as Missionaries, will likely be disregarded as little threat.

civ 6 how to use nukes

Know Yourself

Attempting to build a large army in cities that haven't yet been adequately developed will result in disaster. Likewise, building an army that can't be supported by the Gold income will also end poorly. Therefore a player must choose wisely between when to build their military strength, and when to focus on improving cities.

There are some key milestones that make choosing these times easier. For civilizations with powerful unique units, it makes the most sense to attack shortly after those units have been unlocked.  This will make the most of the advantages they offer. Otherwise, it's best to restrict the job of building a military to those cities that have developed sufficiently. A city with more Improvements and Housing than it has Population is one of these, as is a city that cannot build another District until its Population increases.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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