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It's been five years now since the original release of Civilization 6, and yet Firaxis' epic historical strategy remains one of the most popular titles in the genre. Like many modern grand strategy titles, Civilization 6 has slowly been refined and modified over the years through DLC expansions. Most recently, the New Frontier Pass brought a whole series of additions to the game, including new Leaders, Civilizations, and game modes.

One of the most interesting new game modes that was released as part of the New Frontier Pass is Monopolies and Corporations, which arrived with the Vietnam and Kublai Khan pack. Monopolies and Corporations is all about the importance of trade and commerce in the growth of a civilization, offering lucrative bonuses for players who can master the Industry Tile Improvement.

RELATED: Civilization 6: How To Construct The Preserve (& What It's For)

What is the Industry Improvement in Civilization 6

Preserve District in Civilization 6

The Industry Tile Improvement is the backbone of the Monopolies and Corporations game mode in Civilization 6. It's unlocked by the Currency technology, which can be researched after players have completed Writing. The Industry is a unique Tile Improvement that can only be constructed by Builders on Luxury Resources. However, to construct an Industry. Players first need to own two improved copies of that same Resource. While the Industry can replace one of those two Improvements, only one Industry can be built in each city.

Once built, the Industry will generate 2 Food, 2 Production, 1 Gold, and 1 Great Merchant point. More importantly, the Industry will grant its host city a powerful permanent bonus based on which kind of Civilization 6 Luxury Resource it's occupying:

Luxury Resource

Industry Bonus

Amber, Dyes, Incense, Pearls

+25% Faith

Citrus, Cotton, Ivory, Tobacco, Whales

+30% Production towards Military Units

Cocoa, Honey, Salt, Sugar

+20% Population Growth and +3 Housing

Coffee, Silk, Spices, Wine

+20% Culture

Diamonds, Jade, Silver, Truffles

+25% Gold

Furs, Olives

+30% Production towards Civilian Units

Gypsum, Marble

+30% Production towards Buildings

Mercury, Tea, Turtles

+15% Science

Industry Strategies in Civilization 6

Specialty Districts From Civilization 6

There are a few advanced tactics that players can use to make the most of Industries in their game of Civilization 6. The first of these involves using City-State Suzerainity to qualify for Industry placement. While players must have two copies of an improved Luxury Resource before they can make an Industry, improved Resources that belong to a City-State of which the player is Suzerain also count.

Players also shouldn't stop trying to find more of a Resource that they already have an Industry on. Once Economics has been researched in the Civilization 6 technology tree, the next stage of Monopolies and Corporations will begin. This allows players with three of the relevant Luxury to upgrade Industries into Corporations, granting even more bonuses and spreading them around by making Products. With Corporations up and running, players will eventually be able to establish a Monopoly, granting even more bonus Gold and Tourism.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civ 6: How To Do A Culture Bomb