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A new outlook on the Korean Empire is here, and Civilization 6 fans who own the Leader Pass won't want to miss out on this great builder. Sejong Dewang is the newest Korean leader available in the game, and he's got his own exclusive ability for players to try out.

As the Civilization 6 Leader Pass finally reaches its fifth wave, three renowned builders hit the world stage. Among the new characters are Theodora, Ludwig II, and Sejong. This article will guide players to guarantee that they follow the right path to victory with none other than Sejong.

RELATED: Civilization 6: How to Deal with Barbarians in the Early Game

Features And Abilities

improved mines with seowon

There is now a new way to play Korea in Civilization 6. Instead of using Seondeok as a leader with her Hwarang ability, players can try Sejong and his Hangul ability. In every other aspect, the Korean civilization is the same, but this approach can really influence how players decide at what pace they should take their game. Here are all of Sejong's abilities and unique features.


How it works

Leader Ability


After completing a technology from a new era, receive Culture equal to double the generated Science per turn

Civilization Ability

Three Kingdoms

  • +1 Science to Mines for every adjacent Seowon district
  • +1 Food to Farms for every adjacent Seowon district

Unique Unit


  • Unique Korean Renaissance Era land unit
  • Unlocked after researching Gunpowder
  • Replaces the Field Cannon - lower production cost, less maintenance cost, but slight melee strength disadvantage
  • 2 Movement, 2 Sight
  • 60 Ranged strength, 2 Range
  • 45 Melee strength
  • 3 Gold maintenance cost

Unique District


  • Unlocked after researching Writing
  • Replaces the Campus - lower production cost
  • +4 Science
  • -1 Science for every adjacent District
  • Must be built on Hills tiles

How To Play As Sejong

researching a new technology

Sejong's Hangul ability allows him to receive a hefty Culture boost whenever he researches a technology from a new era. However, there are only eight eras in the game. These are pretty well spread apart, especially when playing games on Epic or Marathon speed. So, unfortunately, the player won't be taking advantage of his ability that often.

The most important aspect of playing Sejong (and Korea in general) is his access to the Seowon district and the Three Kingdoms ability. When setting up a Civilization 6 game for Sejong, players might want to consider opening the advanced options and setting the world age to New World Age. This way, the map will have a lot more hills.

Access to hills on the map gives more Seowon options and also makes it possible for Sejong to build Mines nearby. The more Mines Sejong is able to build adjacent to Seowon districts, the more he will benefit from the Three Kingdoms ability. It is very important to strategize the best District placement when playing Korea as it can give them great benefits. For example, if a Seowon is surrounded by at least three Mines and is not built next to any other district (including the City Center), that district would provide at least +7 Science per turn; a substantial amount for just one city.

If the player invests in science greatly and takes advantage of this ability as much as they can, they will be on their way to a guaranteed Science Victory.

Civilization 6 is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: How to Become Suzerain and What It Does