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Civilization 6 automatically names the player's cities after famous historical cities of that civilization. While this is pretty cool, sometimes players may want to add a more personal touch to their empires by giving their cities new or original names (or perhaps just downright silly ones to mess with fellow players).

Thankfully, doing this is super easy and shouldn't be a challenge whatsoever, although it is easy to miss as well. For that reason, the hardest part in naming one's cities is simply knowing where to look. Civilization 6 doesn't do a great job of explaining this to those that don't want to dig through its massive civilopedia of game terms.

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In order to change a city's name, the player will need to navigate to the city's info page. This can be found by selecting the city and then clicking on the "Toggle City Info" button on the bottom right hand corner (it looks like a scroll). From here, the player needs to click on the city's name in the top left hand of the screen.

At this point, the player can enter anything they want to name their city, and simply closing the city info window will change the name. There is seemingly no restriction on what the player can name their city, but devious leaders should be cautious, as the name will be visible to all other players that find the city. As such, inappropriate names are best avoided unless playing with a tight knit group of friends.

The video above gives a quick and dirty tutorial on how to do this for those that consider themselves visual learners, and to make matters better the town is ultimately renamed "Fart Town." Whether one simply wants to come up with fun and silly names for their towns, find certain naming conventions help make cities easier to keep track of, or are avid historians that want more diversity in their town names, this feature can come in handy. As was previously mentioned, it can be hard to miss, but knowing where to look makes this inconsequential.

Hopefully this information helps players have just a little more fun during their games of Civilzation 6. Most were already familiar with naming their religions and other aspects of their empires, but this adds just one more tidbit of customization for players to enjoy.

Civilization 6 is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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