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One of the methods to achieve victory in Sid Meier's Civilization 6 is through Religious Domination of the world. However, religion isn't just for players who want to spread it throughout the world. It can be used for various benefits as well that can help launch players forward in other paths to victory.

While some players may find uses for religion in Civilization 6, other may just want to reap the benefits of religions from other locations instead of creating their own. After all, creating and maintaining religions can take up resources that can go toward other projects that may be better suited for a path to victory.

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The most important part of preparing for a religion before getting a Great Prophet to start the religion is to construct at least one Holy Site district early on. Due to this being an entire district, players may want to use this space for a different district that's more suitable for their desired victory condition.

Civilization 6 Founding a Religion

Other than Religious Victories, the only other victory type that can really benefit from religion is the Culture Victory. The resources that go toward religions in early game can be better spent toward districts such as campuses and commercial hubs.

With Culture Victories, religion can be used to get benefits such as the purchasing of theater square buildings with faith. However, the most important factor is the creation of martyrs and their holy relics. By having an Apostle turn into a Martyr via a promotion, they will give players a free Great Work upon death in theological combat. Having the Mont St. Michel wonder will automatically give all apostles this promotion. Relics can be stored in Mont St. Michel, the Palace, Prasats, St. Basil's Cathedral, Stave Churches, and Temples.

Having religion can also prevent other civilizations from getting a Religious Victory. Players can additionally use whatever religious resources they have to disrupt any other religion related plays happening on the map.

While religion isn't a game changer for most players, its usage is down to player preference. Any player has the ability to use the tools provided to win the game by creating their own strategies.

Civilization 6 is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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