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Once a player has researched the Bronze Working technology in Civilization 6 they will unlock the ability to harvest Rainforests. Doing this will remove the Rainforest from its tile, leaving a Plains or Plains (Hill) with the associated yields, and grant the player some immediate Food and Production. That said, some fans may not be entirely sure if they should go ahead and remove their Rainforests in Civilization 6, and this guide is here to provide some recommendations.

As with most things in Civilization 6, the question of if a player should harvest their Rainforests can not be answered with a simple yes or no. Instead, there are a variety of factors that fans should consider before they proceed with their chops, and here is a list that looks to assist with that evaluation:

RELATED: Civilization 6: Should You Conquer City-States

  • If it is the early-game and a city has access to other decent workable tiles then it is often advisable to harvest Rainforests in Civ 6, as they can not be improved until much later when a player has discovered the Mercantilism civic. On the other side of things, if it is the mid- or late-game then players should consider improving Rainforests with Lumber Mills (following the June 2019 Gathering Storm update) if there is nothing else planned for those tiles.
  • If the Rainforest is located on a Hill then players can almost always be happy to chop them and improve the tile with a Mine for an immediate Food and Production boost as well as longer-term gains.
  • If a player is going for a Culture Victory in Civilization 6 then removing Rainforests becomes more desirable, as they give adjacent tiles -1 Appeal. Indeed, this can interfere with building both National Parks and Seaside Resorts, which are great sources of Tourism in Civ 6's late-game.

civilization 6 remove rainforest

  • If a player is controlling Brazil or Kongo then they should typically leave Rainforests alone, as they provide benefits to those two civilizations.
  • If it is possible to place a Campus so that it is adjacent to two Rainforest tiles then a player should consider keeping them for the adjacency bonus.
  • If a player has selected the Sacred Path pantheon they should consider keeping Rainforests for the Holy Site adjacency bonus.
  • If a player is planning to build a Zoo then Rainforests can be kept for additional Science yields.
  • If a player is planning to build Chicen Itza they should not chop Rainforests.

In short, outside of a handful of specific circumstances player should lean towards removing their Rainforests, and that is especially true in the early stages of a game. Indeed, chopping out something like an early Settler or Wonder is likely to have a much larger impact then the additional yields tied to Rainforests, and players can get even more out of harvesting this terrain feature by selecting Magnus as one of their Civ 6 Governors.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: How Many Cities Should You Have in Civilization 6