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Players that are looking to form Alliances and make favorable trades with the AI in Civilization 6 will need to put some effort towards maintaining their cross-civilization relations. One way to do this is to offer Open Borders to the opposing civs, though giving other leaders this level of access may feel slightly alarming to some fans. Indeed, this guide is being written with those players in mind, and fans that read on will find more details on if it wise to offer Open Borders in Civ 6.

In general, there are two primary problems that can arise from granting Open Borders to the AI in Civilization 6, the first of which is that it can give them access to parts of the map that may have been blocked to them when borders were closed. This can potentially result in the AI settling cities in locations that interfere with a fan's plans to expand, and it might even assist them in war efforts that the player does not find desirable.

RELATED: Civilization 6: Should You Keep or Raze Cities

The other possible downside from giving Open Borders to another leader in Civ 6 is that it allows them to park units within the player's territory. While this will not always occur, it can certainly be problematic if these opposing units are occupying tiles that a player wishes to improve or generally move through, and that is especially true if the units stay in position for several turns.

Civilization 6 Small City With An Open Border Policy

As such, players may want to consider refusing Open Border requests that come from nearby civs in order to prevent the aforementioned issues. On the other hand, if the leader is relatively far away on Civ 6's map then a fan can offer Open Borders and reap the benefits of the improved relationship without much concern.

To note, receiving Open Borders from another leader is an entirely different matter altogether, and players should use them to further their exploration whenever possible. Additionally, having Open Borders from another civ increases the amount of Tourism that the civ grants by 25%. This can be quite significant for players that are going for a Culture Victory in Civilization 6, and those fans should make sure to monitor the status of other leaders' borders throughout a game.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: Should You Build Farms