Civilization 6 from the studio of Firaxis Games is a household name in the Strategy 4X gaming genre. Civilization 6 holds a significant appeal to history geeks around the world, transporting players back in time to famous ancient empires that served as the founding blocks of the world as we know it today. Its influence upon release wasn't limited to just history geeks, as Civilization 6 - the most recent issue of the Civilization franchise - spread across the gaming community with a bang, winning multiple notable awards such as The Game Awards for Best Sim/Strategy Game, beating out other popular titles like Fire Emblem Fates and The Banner Saga 2.

The turn-based strategy entrapped players with the level of detail it contained, combining the little things like trade, religion, and archeology with a brand-new city-building system that forced creative thinking from even the best strategic minds in the community. In the course of gameplay, players would encounter leaders of AI-controlled nations and establish relationships, whether positive or negative. The leaders of nations in Civilization 6 are popular figures that have existed at different times in human history. Often, with very little provocation, gamers found themselves at war with these rulers of lore - and while the goal is world domination, Civilization 6 made sure to make a good challenge out of it.

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Alexander the Great (Macedon)

civilization 6 alexander of Macedonia

Alexander from Macedon is arguably the most famous leader of any civilization in history. In history classes worldwide, young students learn about the remarkably young leader that amassed the largest empire in ancient history in only 13 years, with its borders spanning from Egypt to modern-day Pakistan. Alexander is usually the first option among players who are gunning for a domination victory either in the multiplayer mode or against the AI. The main advantage of selecting Alexander as a ruler in Civilization 6 is the bountiful military benefits - his cities never get tired of war.

Cleopatra (Egypt)

Civ 6 Egypt TLDR

Tales of the Egyptian Queen have traveled far and wide across generations - from stories of her stunning goddess-like beauty to romantic scandals involving Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. The ultimate symbol of feminine power in ancient history is a popular choice among gamers, although using Cleopatra in Civilization 6 requires a bit more specialization to get the best out of her abilities. The Egyptian Empire under Cleopatra gives players district bonuses for building infrastructure along river lines, a nod to the Nile River of Egypt.

Pericles (Greece)

civilization 6 Pericles greece

Lovers of Ancient Greek culture are unable to resist the most prominent politician and general to grace the country during the Golden Age of Athens. The Greek pantheon is one of the most popular mythologies known to man, making Pericles an enticing play pretend option for Civilization 6 gamers. The political mastery of Pericles provides players with city-state allegiances, culture bonuses, and treasured policy cards by extension.

Hojo Tokimune (Japan)

Civilization 6 Hojo Tokimune angrily unsheathes his blade

Arguably the best and most complete leader in Civilization 6, Hojo Tokimune is known in human history for defending the Japanese against the fearsome Mongols led by Genghis Khan. Hojo Tokimune gives players several benefits, from military naval bonuses to production. He also provides halved build times for encampments, holy sites, and theater squares, an impressive starting bonus for players. Although he might not be as well known as the Alexanders or Cleopatras of ancient history, Hojo Tokimune in Civilization 6 is often players' go-to option due to their powerful combat bonuses.

Peter I (Russia)


Commonly referred to as Peter the Great, Peter I can be credited with scaling Russia to the status of a European power, making advancements in multiple areas such as trade, science, and culture. In Civilization 6, Peter I gives Russia the extraordinary ability for border expansion. The Great Embassy allows players access to Science and Culture from other civilizations, and the combination of these elements with the leadership of Peter I is an enticing option for players to explore on their path to world domination.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6 is available on Mobile, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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