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Civilization 6's most recent expansion pack, the Ethiopia pack, has added a ton of content to the game, including a new civilization and leader and even four new secret societies. Alongside all of this, fans also have the opportunity to earn more achievements with the new content, including the Mask of Baphomet achievement.

Each expansion pack adds new achievements to the game and the Ethiopia pack is no exception to this rule. The Mask of Baphomet achievement in particular relates to one of the new secret societies found in the Secret Societies game mode. Players will need to ally themselves with Civilization 6's Owls of Minerva secret society in order to get this one.

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The achievement itself is simple, but players will need to know a few things to unlock it. The Mask of Baphomet achievement is unlocked by earning all governor promotions for the Owls of Minerva Secret Society, so here are the steps players need to take to do so.


First and foremost, players will need to join the Owls of Minerva secret society. This can only be done in the new Secret Societies game mode, and is accomplished by sending an envoy to a city state. The first civilization to do so has an 80% chance of receiving an invitation, but that chance goes down after each player joins. After receiving the invitation, players will need to simply enter the Governors menu and accept it, aligning themselves with that faction for the rest of the game.

At this point, the secret society works much the same as any other governor, meaning players must unlock Governor Titles from the Civics tree in order to upgrade them. There are a total of four upgrades available, each becoming available as the player progresses further into the game. The fourth and final upgrade needed for the achievement isn't available until the Atomic Era, so players will need to make it that far at least to get the achievement. Assuming they've saved up four Governor Titles and made it to the Atomic era, unlocking the achievement is as simple as granting those titles to the Owls of Minerva.

The player does not need to win the game after this, as the achievement will be unlocked immediately, so it is up to the player whether they want to continue that game. A shortcut to getting this achievement is to start a game in the atomic era, as the player will already have four or more Governor titles at this point to award as soon as they unlock the secret society.

Civilization 6 is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6 Ethiopia Leader Menelik II Breakdown