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Picking up where we left off, this breakdown will continue to dissect every leader in Civilization 6. The first part covered Alexander of Macedonia all the way through Gitarja of Indonesia, which can be found below by clicking the link to get the breakdown of those Civilization 6 leaders.

This breakdown focuses on the strategies, abilities, and more from the Queen of Sparter herself, Gorgo, all the way to Matthias Corvinus of Hungary.

RELATED: Civilization 6 Leader and Civilization Breakdown - Alexander to Gitarja

Gorgo (Greek)

civilizaiton 6 gorgo greece queen of sparta

Gorgo is one of two possible leaders for the Greek empire, with the other being Pericles. Greek's Civilization bonus grants a free Wildcard policy slot to every Government, which can be very helpful at every stage of the game. Hoplites are Greek's unique unit which grant +10 Combat Strength when adjacent to another Hoplite. The Acropolis is their unique building, which replaces the Theater Square, and while it must be built on a hill, it grants +2 Culture for each adjacent Wonder or City Center.

So clearly there is a Culture focus with Greece, but Gorgo's unique perk, Thermopylae, grants her Culture every time she kills a unit - awarding 50% of the unit's Combat Strength. Early game, Gorgo can forgo working on Wonders and simply pump out units to hunt Barbarians for quick and easy Culture, or she can wage an early-game war to get a ton of quick Culture and some Domination Victory progress. She's a great contender for a Culture Victory, but also can be a good consideration for a Domination Victory as well.

Harald Hardrada (Norwegian)

civilization 6 harald hadrada norway

The Thunderbolt of the North, Harald Hardrada, is all about naval units. Outside of the Maori, Hardrada is one of the first civilizations that can navigate the open waters early on. Thanks to the Norweigan Civ perk, Hardrada can navigate Ocean tiles after learning Shipbuilding, as opposed to requiring the later Science Cartography. Additionally, Norway's units pay no embark/disembark movement costs, and naval units can heal in neutral territory.

This strong naval focus pairs extremely well with Hardrada's unique ability. Hardrada gains 50% bonus production toward naval melee units, and they gain the ability to do coastal raids. When Hardrada pillages or performs a coastal raid, he gains Science in addition to the varied other bonuses that come from pillaging. Hardrada obviously could do well in a Domination Victory due to his powerful Navy, but he also can be a strong contender for a Science or Religious Victory as well.

Hojo Tokimune (Japanese)

civilization 6 hojo tokimune japan

Hoko Tokimune is another Leader that specializes and is rewarded for settling near water, specifically on the Coast. Hojo's unique ability grants his land units +5 Combat Strength when occupying a Coastal tile, and his Naval Units +5 Combat Strength when occupying Coast tiles. Additionally, Hojo gets a bonus 100% Production toward Encampments, Holy Sites, and Theater Square districts, a huge boost to capitalize quickly on the powerful District bonuses. Additionally, Hojo's units are immune to Hurricane damage, and any opponents at War with Hojo and currently in Japanese territory take an additional 100% bonus damage from Hurricanes.

Hojo's ability pairs well with the Japanese Civilization perk, which doubles the District Adjacency Bonus (up to 1 from 0.5) per nearby district, making all of Hojo's districts more powerful. Japan's unique Samurai units are powerful and do not suffer penalties when damaged, making them great for pushing a Domination Victory. Hojo can quickly toss up districts that would capitalize well on a Religious or Cultural Victory as well, so those are also both great options.

Jadwiga (Polish)

civilization 6 jadwiga of poland

Jadwiga is a versatile leader, but in her versatility comes difficulty. She is certainly not for the beginner to try to make sense of, as her playstyle is very mechanic-heavy. The Polish Civilization Perk triggers a "Culture Bomb" whenever an Encampment or Fort are built, and one Military Policy Slot from every Government is converted into a Wild Card Slot. While the policy slot is cool, the real kicker is the Culture Bomb, which when activated will claim any nearby tiles (including tiles owned by another Civilization), and convert them to Jadwiga's.

The only stipulation is that the tile cannot already have a Wonder or District on it, and it has to be within three tiles of the City Center of the one initiating the Culture Bomb. This combines well with Jadwiga's ability, which converts any City that has had tiles taken via Culture Bomb to Jadwiga's Religion. Additionally, Relics provide +4 Gold, +2 Culture, and +2 Faith. She also gets double the Adjacency Bonus for her Holy Sites.

If players focus on Relics as quick as possible, it can set Jadwiga up with pretty hefty bonuses early on. Players will want to be very strategic with the placement of Jadwiga's Encampments and Forts to maximize tile takeovers. Overall, Jadwiga has a strong focus on Religion, making her a great candidate for a Religious Victory, though she can be a dangerous contender for a Domination and a Culture Victory as well.

Jayavarman VII (Khmer)

civilization 6 jayavarman viii of khmer

Jayavarman VII is a Leader that is perhaps a bit misleading compared to what many may think his path would be. All of his perks and bonuses are related to Faith, but Jayavarman is actually set up to be one of the quickest Leaders to be able to earn a Cultural Victory. To start, the Khmer Civ perk gives Aqueducts +3 Faith and +1 Amenity, as well as +2 Food for Farms adjacent to it. Jayavarman's unique perk grants Holy Sites built next to a River +2 Food and +1 Housing. Additionally, building Holy Sites triggers a Culture Bomb. This may sound like a great set up for a religious victory, but Jayavarman's true calling deals with the Khmer's unique building, the Prasat.

The Prasat replaces the Temple in the Holy Site, and comes with the unique benefit that all Missionaries purchased in that city get the Martyr promotion. The Martyr promotion makes it so Missionaries generate a Relic upon death in Theological Combat. These Relics generate a ton of Faith and Tourism (and are perfect when combined with the Cristo Redentor Wonder), so players should just throw Missionaries out into opposing cities in the hopes that they will be killed, thereby generating Relics. It's a wild playstyle, and completely different than what players may expect out of Jayavarman, but Culture is definitely the easiest victory condition using this strategy.

John Curtin (Australian)

civilization 6 john curtin australia

John Curtain is a strange Leader as he benefits most when being targeted by acts of aggression. Curtin's unique bonus grants him a whopping 100% bonus Production in all cities after either being targeted by a Declaration of War or after liberating a City. This production is not limited to any specific projects, so Curtin could use this to crank out Wonders, Districts, or amass an Army in the blink of an eye, because double Production is no joke. Because of this perk, Curtin is not as well-suited to work toward a Domination Victory as some other leaders, though if the cards fall right he could still pull one out. Curtin is actually pretty well suited for a Science Victory, thanks to Australia's Civ perk.

With Australia's perk, Curtin gains +3 Housing in his Coastal Cities and building Pastures triggers a Culture Bomb for surrounding tiles. The real kicker is that Curtin is rewarded for settling on high Appeal tiles. Campuses, Commercial Hubs, Holy Sites, and Theater Squares all gain +1 to yields if they have Charming Appeal, or +3 to yields if they are Breathtaking. While this will require some very meticulous city planning on Curtin's part, the rewards are worth the effort. Thanks to those bonus yields, Curtin could easily pull ahead and earn a Science Victory for Australia.

Kristina (Swedish)

civilization 6 kristina sweden

Kristina of Sweden is one of the newer leaders who was added with the 'Gathering Storm' expansion, and her kit is unlike any other character in the game. Pretty much from the start of the game, Kristina can sprint toward either Cultural or Diplomatic Victory, and there is little that other players can do to stop her. Her Minerva of the North ability automatically themes any building with three Great Work slots (or any Wonders with two Great Work slots) as soon as all slots are filled.

This completely bypasses the time-consuming theme mechanic of Great Works that is almost mandatory to quickly earn a Cultural Victory. Additionally, she can build the Queen's Bibliotheque in her Government Plaza which helps generate Great Person points of nearly every category - and it comes with two Great Work slots, a valuable commodity for Kristina.

This feeds well into Sweden's Civ Perk, which grants Kristina 50 Diplomatic Favor every time she recruits a Great Person, making them even more valuable. Additionally, Factories will grant +1 Great Engineer points and Universities will grant +! Great Scientist points. When Sweden is part of a game, there will also be three unique World Congress competitions for some extra rewards. Overall, Kristina is incredibly powerful when it comes to Culture and Diplomacy, but she has little going for her in terms of Military or Faith. But if players can get the ball rolling, there is little that anyone can do to stop Kristina once she starts amassing Great People.

Kupe (Maori)

civlization 6 kupe maori leader

Kupe has the single-most jarring start to a Civ 6 game when compared to any other leader in the game. Instead of starting on a random continent, Kupe's unique ability starts him in the middle of the Ocean, and he gains +2 Since and +2 Culture every turn until his first city is founded. The first city he founds gains a free Builder and +1 Population. His Palace grants +3 Housing and +1 Amenity. This pairs quite well with the Maori Civ perk. This grants both Sailing and Shipbuilding immediately, and allows units to Embark and enter Ocean tiles.

Embarked units gain +5 Combat Strength and +2 Movement, allowing them to quickly navigate water. Additionally, unimproved Woods and Rainforest tiles gain bonus Production, and Fishing Boat improvements generate additional Food and trigger a Culture Bomb. However, Kupe cannot earn Great Writers.

Kupe's playstyle is so wild and different compared to every other Civilization 6 leader that it requires one to approach the game completely differently. Kupe gets to travel until he finds a good settling spot, and the bonuses make up for time lost on the sea. However, Kupe will be behind in Science (but ahead in Culture) during the first few turns - however he can forego choosing a Science until he lands so he can choose the right one for the location. Overall, Kupe is probably best suited for a Culture Victory despite his lack of Great Writers. He can also make for a good Religious Victory candidate, but lacks any special perks pertaining to it.

Lady Six Sky (Mayan)

civilization 6 lady six sky mayan

Civlization 6 is a game that favors those who spread their cities out to cover a large swath of land. However, Lady Six Sky of the Mayan Empire foregoes a wide empire in favor of a strong, tall empire. Lady Six Sky is one of the newest leaders to Civlization 6, added with the first wave of DLC from the new Frontier Pass alongside Simon Bolivar. Lady Six Sky is unique in the sense that her kit incentivises building cities close together, and penalizing players who scatter cities far away from their Capital.

Lady Six Sky's unique perk gives all of her cities within six tiles of her Capital +10% to all yields, and all units within six tiles of the Capital gain +5 Combat Strength. However, all cities farther than six tiles away tale a 15% penalty to yields. Essentially, Lady Six Sky sets up a perimeter around her Capital and fortifies it, and every other Civilization will have one heck of a time trying to break through her defenses.

In terms of the Mayan Civ perk, it is a strange one. The Mayan Empire will no longer gain bonus Housing from settling near water. However, Farms generate +1 Housing and +1 Gold, and Luxury Resources next to a City Center generate + Amenity. Ideally, Lady Six Sky will build her cities in open fields with plenty of Grasslands for Farms, while placing her cities adjacent to Luxury Resources. This pairs well with the fact that her unique building, The Observatory, replaces the Campus and generates adjacency bonuses from Farms and Plantations rather than Mountains.

If placed correctly, Lady Six Sky could generate an egregious amount of Science in each of her Cities by placing Farms and Observatories correctly, making her a strong contender for a Science Victory.

Lautaro (Mapuche)

civlization 6 lautaro of mapuche

Lautaro of the Mapuche revolves heavily around the Loyalty mechanic introduced in the 'Rise and Fall' expansion. When Lautaro defeats an enemy unit within the enemy's city, the city will lose 20 Loyalty, and pillaging a tile will cause the city to lose 5 Loyalty. In theory, Lautaro can cause a Civilization to lose a city without ever attacking the city directly. This can help in terms of managing Grievances, but Lautaro will still need to deal with the Free City's militia before taking it over himself.

Additionally, the Mapuche Civ ability grants all Combat Units a bonus 25% combat experience boost if trained in a city with a Governor. They also gain +10 Combat Strength if attacking a Civ that is in a Golden Age. If going for a Domination Victory, Lautaro is a decent candidate, though players will need to be strategic when it comes to flipping cities over to Free Cities.

Lautaro is also well suited for a Culture Victory, provided players put in the effort to find High Appeal tiles. The Mapuche's Chemamull improvement provides Culture equal to 75% of the tile's Appeal, so if Lautaro has several of them on High Appeal tiles, it can really add up. Overall, Lautaro makes for an interesting hybrid Domination Victory contender, or another player in the Culture Victory game.

Mansa Musa (Mali)

Civilization 6 mansa musa mali gold cash money

Mansa Musa was the richest man in the world during his time, and is still considered as such when factoring inflation by today's standards, and his abilities certainly reflect that. Mansa Musa is a man of wealth and Faith, and he can quickly amass both of them to be one of the most powerful Leaders in Civilization 6. Mansa's unique ability grants his Trade Routes +1 Gold for every Desert tile in the sending city (of which Mansa will likely have several), and every time he enters a a Golden Age, it will permanently increase his Trade Route Capacity by 1.

This goes in conjunction with Mali's unique Civ ability, which grants City Centers +1 Faith and +1 Food for every adjacent Desert and Desert Hills tile. Mines lose 1 Production, but gain +4 Gold. Additionally, Mansa can purchase Commercial Hub buildings with Faith, but he also gets -30% Production towards buildings and units.

Mali's unique building is a Commercial Hub replacement, the Suguba. It takes less Production to build, gets +2 Gold for adjacent Holy Sites and Rivers, and the city it is in gets a 20% Gold and Faith discount when purchasing things. Overall, Mansa is clearly set up for a great Religious Victory, but with that much Gold, Mansa can buy an entire army in one turn and wipe out anyone who stands in his way.

Matthias Corvinus (Hungarian)

Civilization 6 Matthias Corvinus Hungary

Matthias Corvinus does not build a strong military on his own, but instead relies on City-States to supply him with units. The Raven King can levy City-State units for 75% of the cost, levied units gain +2 Movement and +5 Combat Strength, and when Matthias levies units, he gains 2 Envoys with that City-State. His unique Light Cavalry unit, the Black Army, gains +3 Combat Strength for each adjacent levied unit, making it a powerhouse if used correctly. The Hungarian perk is less useful, though situationally powerful. Matthias gains 50% bonus production to Districts and Buildings built across a river from his City Center.

Without a doubt, Matthias is a great pick for a Domination Victory if players can be the Suzerain of some city-states, because unless Matthias can levy units, he cannot wage a powerful war. But if Matthias levies a ton of units, he will be able to swiftly cut down any who stand in his way.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.