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In Civilization 6, players will want to keep their citizens happy and well-fed because they are one of the most important parts of the game. How the citizens in a city feel will determine how much the player can extract from a city's yields and greatly influence how quickly they can get to a victory.

A way to efficiently work farms and improve the Food output of a city in Civilization 6 is to learn how to build farm triangles and farm diamonds. This guide will show players the steps they need to take in order to accomplish this and get the most out of their farms.

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Farm Mechanics

researching feudalism in civilization

Building farm triangles is a known Civilization 6 strategy that helps maximize Food yields in a player's city. At first, when the player first starts building the Farm improvement, they will only add an +1 Food and +0.5 Housing to the tile, but this will change as they progress through the Civics and Technology trees.

Once the player unlocks the Feudalism civic, Farms will gain an additional +1 Food if adjacent to two other Farms. This is only improved further when the player researches the Replaceable Parts technology which upgrades Farms into Mechanized Agriculture and adds, on top of the previous bonuses, they will also earn +1 Food for each adjacent Farm.

Farm Triangle & Farm Diamonds

food increase strategy

Farm triangles and farm diamonds take advantage of the Farm improvement mechanics to the maximum. A farm triangle consists of a Farm being built, and then two other Farms being put right next to it while adjacent to each other as well. The farm diamond takes it up a notch by adding an extra Farm on top of the two adjacent Farms tiles in the middle.

As soon as Feudalism has been discovered, each Farm will receive in the triangle will receive an additional +1 Food, and with the Replaceable Parts technology, the Farms will receive an additional +2 Food. If the player opts by going for a farm diamond, the same bonus will be given with the Fedaulism civic, but the Farms in the middle will receive +3 Food with the Replaceable Parts technology. This is the major difference between farm triangles and farm diamonds.

Each Citizen in a Civilization 6 city requires 2 Food. So, in order to have a food surplus, each Farm worker should be working at least a +3 Food Farm, but the higher this number, the better. This is a great way to efficiently design a city to ensure that there are enough Food yields for the population to stay happy and keep growing.

Civilization 6 is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: How to Get Units Across Water