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Some games of Civilization 6 will challenge player with large bodies of water that need to be crossed in order to reach new lands and wage war on other civs, but it can be difficult to get units across initially. Aside from boats, most units can't traverse water without the help of a few technologies.

Civilization 6 players wanting to cross any sizeable body of water will need three separate techs researched before doing so. Each one stacks on top of the other, allowing more types of units to traverse water until the final one allows all units to.

RELATED: Civilization 6: How to Deal with Barbarians in the Early Game

First, players will need to research sailing, which allows them to build certain ships as well as enables builders to enter the water. This can be done right at the start of the game, and can be boosted by building a city on a coast. That said, it isn't entirely urgent for most civs.

civ 6 tips tricks

Celestial Navigation is the next step to allowing units to embark into open water, as it enables traders to enter in addition to builders. This tech is useful for more than just that, however, as it will allow the player to make use of lighthouses, harbors, and more. This tech can be sped up by improving two sea resources, and becomes available in the Classical Era. It should be noted that it isn't required for the next tech and can be skipped, but it becomes extremely useful for certain seafaring civs.

Shipbuilding is the final stop, as it enables all land units to embark in waters. This technology can also be researched in the Classical Era and is boosted if the player owns two galleys. This tech also unlocks the first ranged ship, the Quadrireme, and enables the Colossus and Kampung infrastructures. Its use depends entirely on how much the player plans on utilizing the sea, and shouldn't be acquired for the sake of acquiring it. Players will need to look at the map and their own playstyle to determine if it is worth researching this tech. It can make it much easier to take over a coastal city.

Getting these three techs will allow all land based units to traverse the seas at will, and unlike Civilization 5, the ability to enter water is attained immediately after researching these techs (units no longer have to return to a friendly territory to gain the ability). This can be extremely useful on maps with a lot of water or with the best seafaring leaders, but mediocre on pangea type continents.

Civilization 6 is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: How to Use the Battering Ram in Civilization 6

Source: Stack Exchange Users