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Civilization 6 allows players to combine units into corps that can act more efficiently, but the pros and cons of doing so can be somewhat tricky. Regarding whether or not a player should form corps, the short answer is that it depends on the situation. Corps provide some great benefits to units, but also some crippling drawbacks.

For starters, a corp in Civilization 6 is made when two identical units are combined into one. In order to make a corp, the player will need to have researched the Nationalism Civic and have made it to the Industrial Era. Once these requirements are met, units can be combined with a button prompt when they are adjacent.

RELATED: Civilization 6: Should You Keep or Raze Cities

Forming a corps combines the two units into one and cannot be undone unless the unit is killed or dismissed. Though their HP does not increase, they will gain an additional +10 to their attack power, and units that consume fuel will become more efficient.

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In most cases, this can be very risky and the reward isn't enough to justify doing it. While +10 power can be nice for some weaker units, it generally isn't enough to warrant removing an entire unit's power. Likewise, if the corps is defeated in combat, that is two units which the player has now lost. It is in no means necessary to understand corps to achieve a domination victory in Civilization 6, as for the reasons listed above, they are often not that feasible. That said, there are a few situations where they can be helpful.

The first situation is if the player simply has extra units or resources. Forming corps (and eventually armies) allows the player to make stronger, singular units rather than multiple weaker ones, but if the player has enough resources to churn out corps then odds are they are already close to winning anyway. The other time this can be useful is when attempting to take a city in Civilization 6, as there are a limited number of spaces for units to attack from. Forming a corps will let the player get more units in to attack, as a corps takes up the same amount of space on the map as a single unit.

Finally, although this is a minor benefit, for the most part, units which require fuel are twice as efficient in corps. For example, a tank costs 1 oil per turn to maintain, but a corp of tanks will still only require one oil rather than two. Just remember that the resulting unit will only have 90 power rather than two tanks with 80 power.

Civilization 6 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: Should You Open Borders