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There are many key decisions that must be made in the earliest turns of a game of Civilization 6, including where to place a capital and which Production to select first. Another important choice comes a handful of turns later, requiring players to pick the first District that they will build, and indeed this decision can have a major impact on the game moving forward. As such, players are advised to consider their first District in Civ 6 carefully, and this guide is here to assist with exactly that.

To start, there are three primary options to be considered when deciding which District to build first in Civilization 6, and they are the Holy Site (unlocked by Astrology), the Campus (unlocked by Writing), and the Encampment (unlocked by Bronze Working). As with many of the choices that must be made in Civ 6, this is one is highly contingent upon a player's long-term plans, and here is how fans can go about selecting from these three Districts.

RELATED: Civilization 6: How to Pick the Best Start Position

Holy Site

civ 6 first district

If a player wants to found a Religion in Civilization 6 then they should absolutely build the Holy Site first. This is especially true if a player is going for a Religious Victory on Civ 6's higher difficulty settings, and it is even advisable to rush the research of Astrology in order to construct the Holy Site as soon as possible. Indeed, this will allow fans to begin accruing Great Prophet points early, making it more likely that will successfully recruit the Great Prophet that they need to found their Religion.


civ 6 first district

If a player does not want to found a Religion then the Campus is the next Civ 6 District to consider building first, and there are a number of reasons that a player might want to choose it. Those reasons are as follows:

  • If they have access to a tile that gives the Campus a high adjacency bonus (+3 or more)
  • If Hypatia is listed as the first Great Scientist in the Great People tab

To note, even if one of the aforementioned criteria is met, players need not rush the Campus in the way that is recommended with the Holy Site. Instead, fans should plan to build their Campus after they have settled their second additional city, which should occur around turn 30 or 40.


civ 6 alexander of macedon

If a player does not want to found a Religion and they do not have a good reason to construct the Campus then the Encampment can be the District built first in Civilization 6, and again that should be done after the first two additional cities have been settled. The exceptions here are if a player wants to be extremely aggressive in Civ 6's early game or if they have problematic neighbors, and in these cases an early Encampment may be best.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: 5 Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Game

Source: YouTube