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After meeting another civilization for the very first time during a game of Civilization 6, players can expect for its leader to offer to send them a Delegation. Later in the game this offer will change, and the AIs will then begin asking to establish Embassies in the player's capital. Exactly how to handle these requests is something that may not be immediately obvious to all fans, and indeed this guide looks to shine some light on if players should be accepting or refusing Delegations and Embassies in Civilization 6.

To begin with Delegations, accepting one will cause two primary things to occur: the player will receive 25 Gold, and the Civ 6 leader that sent the Delegation will increase their Diplomatic Visibility towards the recipient. In short, this additional Diplomatic Visibility will give the AI access to some more information about the player's actions, and it is unlikely to matter a great deal. As such, players that could use the additional Gold should feel free to accept Delegations in Civilization 6 without much concern.

RELATED: Civilization 6: Should You Remove Rainforests

With respect to receiving Embassies, this again increases a sender's Diplomatic Visibility and awards some Gold to the recipient (50 this time around), but it also reveals the receiver's capital in Civ 6. While this may not have a major impact in most games, players that are not desperate for the immediate 50 Gold may want to delay receiving an AI's Embassy until it has discovered their capital naturally, especially if the opposing civilization is quite close or particularly militaristic.

civ 6 allow delegations embassy

One final thing to say is that the Rise and Fall expansion made it so that players receive a combat bonus if they have a higher Diplomatic Visibility on an opponent then the opponent has on them. However, if either party declares war then all Delegations and Embassies are reset and no longer impact Diplomatic Visibility. This means that the only real effect that Delegations and Embassies have on this bonus is in how it applies to Theological Combat, and fans focusing on Religion may thus want to refuse both.

To summarize, players should almost always accept Delegations from AIs immediately to receive some extra Gold in Civilization 6's early game. Fans can also do the same with Embassies fairly comfortably, though they can also refuse them temporarily if they are concerned about revealing their capital early. The primary exception here is when a player is going for a Religious Victory in Civ 6 and wants to avoid losing their Diplomatic Visibility combat bonus.

MORE: Civilization 6: Should You Conquer City-States