
  • Aspiring warmongers in Civilization 6 should aim for World Wonders like Alhambra for military advantages and strategic dominance.
  • Venetian Arsenal boosts naval fleet expansion, crucial in water-covered maps, allowing warmongers to gain ocean control swiftly.
  • Temple of Artemis helps warmongers manage growth and economy in the face of war, providing food, housing, and amenities bonuses.

In a playthrough of Civilization 6, players often have their own preferences and strategies to win the game, even the AI players, as they have their own pre-defined personalities and traits to match the human opponents. At times, these strategies will involve building certain World Wonders, which are exclusive to one player per game only, making it a very competitive building to have.

Civilization 6: 7 Scariest AI Civilization To Play Against

These AI Civilizations can become a nightmare to deal with for players of Civilization 6.

Some of these World Wonders can be very beneficial for players who are looking to win a game with Domination Victory; or in other words, warmongers. Each of these World Wonders is beneficial in its own way, such as increasing military strength, or even multiplying bonuses from City-States to help the war effort go smoothly.

7 Alhambra

Gain A Precious Military Policy Slot And Faster Great General Acquisition

An image of Civilization 6: Alhambra
  • Adds 2 Amenities
  • Adds 2 Great General points acquired per turn
  • Bonus 1 Military policy slot

Aspiring wamongers in Civilization 6 will learn to value several resources and features in the game highly because of how they make their conquests successful, such as Military Policies and the powerful Great Generals. By building the Alhambra, two of those resources can be expanded and used more efficiently due to the World Wonder's bonuses.

The bonus Military policy slot can be a game-changer, as policies in that field often contain bonuses that enable a civilization to gain victory over superior civilizations with the appropriate strategy. Moreover, the added Amenities will help warmongers avoid war exhaustion, which comes as a penalty to civilizations that repeatedly seek war.

6 Venetian Arsenal

Quickly Expand Naval Fleets With A Simple World Wonder

An image of Civilization 6: Venetian Arsenal
  • Adds 2 Great Engineer points acquired per turn
  • Every time a city builds a naval unit, it receives a bonus second unit of the same type

In a game with a map type that is covered by more than 50% water, such as Archipelago and Continents, Naval Warfare becomes much more prominent during all stages of the game. Wrestling control over the seas will be a game-defining moment for some players, especially the ones that have unique Naval units which are powerful enough to win the whole game on their own.

Civilization 6: 20 Tips On How To Get A Domination Victory

The domination victory in Civ 6 is the easiest to understand, but that doesn't mean it's not challenging - these tips will help gamers win the war.

The powerful Venetian Arsenal will allow warmongers to wrest control of the ocean quickly, as it allows their cities to produce a second naval unit each time they produce one. When combined with a powerful unique Naval Unit, a warmonger can easily gain ocean superiority and begin their pursuit of a Domination Victory.

5 Forbidden City

Versatile Wildcard Policy To Gain Advantage Over Other Civilizations

An image of Civilization 6: Forbidden City
  • Adds 1 Wildcard policy slot
  • Gain 5 Culture per turn

A good player of Civilization 6 will know how precious policy card slots are, as they can single-handedly make a strategy viable due to their bonuses, which are balanced by the limited number of slots a civilization can have throughout the game. Wildcard Policy slots are known to be quite powerful due to their ability to house Wildcard Policy cards, as well as every other type of Policy cards, and Forbidden City is able to expand these slots by one.

This bonus will allow warmongers to use the extra Wildcard Policy slot to their advantage not only in wartime, but also during peacetime when they are building up their armies and economies to sustain a prolonged war effort. However, in a multiplayer game, players can expect to compete fiercely for this World Wonder due to its flexibility.

4 Statue Of Zeus

Early Boost Towards Military Strength To Rush Domination Victory

An image of Civilization 6: Statue Of Zeus
  • After wonder completion, immediately gain a Battering Ram, 3 Spearmen, and 3 Archers
  • Gain 3 Gold per turn
  • Anti-cavalry units receive +50% more Production for all cities

Early conquests can be tricky for some players, even for those with warmonger-specialized Leaders and Civilizations, due to the fact that other players will quickly be alerted by any attempt to win an early Domination Victory. However, building the Statue of Zeus can boost the warmonger's chances due to its bonuses.

For starters, upon completion of this World Wonder, the civilization building it instantly gains 3 Spearmen and Archers, and a Battering Ram. This combination of bonus units can already enable a player to conquer another civilization easily during the early stages of the game. Moreover, the added anti-cavalry unit production bonuses will allow them to rapidly produce anti-cavalry units.

3 Kilwa Kiswani

Max Out City-State Bonuses For Conquest Against The World

An image of Civilization 6: Kilwa Kiswani
  • Gain 15% bonus to a yield boost provided by a City-State type by becoming a Suzerain. When players become Suzerain of 2 or more City-States of the same type, an additional 15% boost is given to all cities.
  • Gain 3 Envoys

City-States are crucial for every player in a game of Civilization 6 due to the bonuses they grant when becoming a Suzerain over them, even warmongers, who might prefer to simply conquer the nearest City-States they are neighbors with. By building Kilwa Kiswani, becoming a Suzerain towards City-States that are useful to warmongers will become more crucial than ever, since their bonuses will be multiplied.

Civilization 6: 10 Best City-States To Suzerain

Becoming suzerain to certain city-states can yield powerful bonuses in Civilization 6. Here's which city-states are perfect for it.

Kilwa Kiswani will grant huge bonus yield multipliers when the player building the World Wonder becomes the Suzerain of one or more City-State. For example, becoming a Suzerain of an Industrial City-State will grant the city housing the Wonder a further +15% Production bonus. The bonus will become 30% for the city and 15% for all other cities if they manage to become Suzerain of two or more Industrial City-States.

2 Temple Of Artemis

Handle Warmonger Penalties Easily Without Hindering War Efforts

An image of Civilization 6: Temple Of Artemis
  • Gain 3 Food per turn
  • The city gains 3 Housing
  • Camps, Pastures, and Plantations within 4 tiles of the Wonder provides 1 Amenity.

Becoming a warmonger can be tough on a civilization's progress and growth due to the focus on military buildup, which can also damage a civilization's economy rather quickly with many units eating into resources. Moreover, they will also gain Warmonger Penalties that can halt a war campaign when not addressed quickly.

Civilization 6: 14 Tips For Avoiding Warmonger Penalties

From early expansion to careful use of the Grievances system, here's how to limit the Warmonger penalties you accrue in Civilization 6.

Temple of Artemis can solve these problems by granting various bonuses, such as Food and Housing bonuses for boosting the city's growth. Moreover, the World Wonder will grant amenities for every Camp, Pasture, and Plantation near it, making the "unhappiness due to constant warmongering against other civilizations" problem solve itself quickly.

1 Terracotta Army

The Ultimate, Must-Have World Wonder For Every Warmonger

An image of Civilization 6: Terracota Army
  • Grant Promotion to all current units
  • Gain 2 Great General points per turn
  • Archeologists can enter foreign lands without an Open Border

Every seasoned veteran of Civilization 6 who prefers to play the game with a peaceful strategy will be rightly alarmed when they see their warmongering neighbor successfully build the Terracotta Army. That fear will be intensified once they find out that the warmongering civilization building this World Wonder already has a huge army ready for an invasion, since the World Wonder will be able to double their army's strength instantly.

The army strengthening occurs due to the Terracotta Army's bonus that grants Promotion to every unit of the civilization's army, increasing its strength instantly. This will instantly make an already powerful unique Land unit even more powerful, virtually guaranteeing a successful war campaign. Moreover, the bonus Great General points will also ensure the steady flow of Great Generals to aid any invasion against even a well-defended civilization.