Table of contents


  • Luxury resources in Civilization 6 can greatly boost a city's effectiveness and should be improved with specializations like Mines or Plantations.
  • Coffee can provide early culture, while Sugar is great for fast population growth and Salt boosts production.
  • Ivory offers a trifecta of yields, Tobacco boosts faith for religion, and Tea provides an early science boost. Spices offer strong food and production bonuses but may attract attention from other civilizations.

Luxury resources in Civilization 6 have always been important and integral enough for players to pay full attention when they are settling in new cities. Many of these luxury resources have their yields, and when improved, can boost a city's effectiveness to a high degree. These luxury resources can also be acquired through suzerainty to a city-state.

Civilization 6: 7 Best City-States For Warmongers, Ranked

Warmongers in Civ 6 can become leaders of these city-states to earn buffs that will aid them in their goal for a Domination Victory.

However, instead of getting it via trade and suzerainty, some of these luxury resources are far more valuable when improved with their specialization, such as a Mine, Camp, or Quarry, as it increases the yield to the city that is working the resources' tile.

7 Coffee

One Of The Earliest Options To Build On Culture

An Image of Civilization 6: Coffee
  • +1 Culture as base yield modifier
  • Improved by Plantation
  • Found on flat grassland without features and in rainforest

Culture is one of the most important resources in Civilization 6 as it is needed to advance the Civics tree and gain one of the victory types in the game, Cultural Victory. Acquiring Culture in the early game can be quite difficult as there are only a few means of acquiring resources.

By improving a Coffee Tile, players can acquire culture early in the game, boosting their chances of earning victory. A worked Coffee tile in a rainforest can net a player huge resource gain for both Food and Production, ensuring fast growth in the city.

6 Sugar

A Surefire Luxury Resource To Kickstart A City

An Image of Civilization 6: Sugar
  • +2 Food as base yield modifier
  • Improved by Plantation
  • Found on floodplains and marshes

Sometimes, growing a city's population as soon as possible is a necessity to keep up with the opponent's advancement in terms of science, culture, and other resource production. To necessitate such growth, a civilization will need to work on tiles with huge food yields, such as in floodplains or marshes.

Civilization 6: 12 Best Heroes To Rush, Ranked

Civilization 6's Babylon Pack DLC introduced heroes, and here are the best ones to rush.

Luckily, there is a surefire way of settling such a fast-growing city, which is by settling near Sugar luxury resources. The base +2 food it provides is a huge boost to population growth when worked. Moreover, when improved with a Plantation, the yield can go as high as +6 Food when worked.

5 Salt

Salt Your Way Into Victory With Production Boosts

An Image of Civilization 6: Salt
  • +1 Gold and Food as base yield modifier
  • Improved by Mine
  • Found on flat plains, deserts, and tundra without features

If settling near hills is already a good location, the addition of Salt resources in the hills will make it a prime location for any new city. With the addition of +1 Gold and Food as a base yield modifier, it will be beneficial for a player to try having cities near Salt luxury resources and take advantage of the abundance of resources.

With a mine improvement, a single tile yield can give a huge amount of production coupled with some food and gold per turn, making it a formidable city in terms of growth. Moreover, the boosted production could also turn the city into a prime location for wonders, especially the coveted Ruhr Valleys.

4 Ivory

Gain A Perfect Trifecta Of Yields In One Tile

An Image of Civilization 6: Ivory
  • +1 Gold and Production as base yield modifier
  • Improved by Camp
  • Found on plains, plain hills, deserts, and in woods and rainforests

Rainforests have always been one of the beneficial terrains to settle near as they provide an opportunity for a fast-growing city with chopping potential to speed up the growth of the population and buildings. With the addition of an Ivory in the tile, the yield bonus can reach as high as 3 food, 3 production, and 3 gold acquired per turn.

Civilization 6: 10 Best City-States To Suzerain

Becoming suzerain to certain city-states can yield powerful bonuses in Civilization 6. Here's which city-states are perfect for it.

If the player also manages to find multiple sources of Ivory within their border, they can opt to take the Goddess of the Hunt pantheon to boost the tile further with an addition of 1 food and 1 production, making every city near Ivories a powerhouse in terms of production and population growth.

3 Tobacco

Boosts Faith Early For Religion Boosts

An Image of Civilization 6: Tobacco
  • +1 Faith as base yield modifier
  • Improved by Plantation
  • Found on flat grassland and plains without features, and in woods and rainforest

In higher levels of gameplay in Civilization 6, especially in multiplayer and higher difficulty single-player games such as Immortal and Deity, acquiring Religion becomes a mini-race for every civilization as the bonuses it gives are worth the Faith production rush.

With the help of Tobacco, a player can try to compete in acquiring a religion as well as its tile production. A Tobacco tile becomes more powerful when it spawns in a rainforest tile, making it more than beneficial to improve, as it also increases a city's population growth and production with the innate rainforest base yield.

2 Tea

Early Science Boost For Every Tea Enjoyer

An Image of Civilization 6: Tea
  • +1 Science as base yield modifier
  • Improved by Plantation
  • Found on flat grassland and plains without features, and in woods and rainforest

Aside from Culture, Science is also quite crucial to acquire in all stages of the game as it can translate to either life or death for any civilization in terms of combat and chances of winning a game. With only a few luxury resources having a Science base yield, Tea becomes one of them that has its innate advantage.

Civilization 6: 10 Best Technologies To Watch Out For

Civilization 6 holds many great technologies that will enhance the ways that players experience their growing kingdoms.

By having a chance of spawning in a rainforest tile, settling cities near Tea becomes crucial to gaining an early technological advantage over other civilizations. In a worked Plantation tile of Tea inside a rainforest, a city will have the chance to boost its science in addition to both food and production.

1 Spices

Quite Possibly The Strongest Luxury Resource

An Image of Civilization 6: Spices
  • +2 Food as base yield modifier
  • Improved by Plantation
  • Found in woods and rainforests

If Sugar can instantly boost a city's population growth, Spices takes it further by making it possible to boost a city's production as well when worked by a population with its modifier of spawning inside either woods or rainforests. The added bonus of Plantation makes it possible for a city to have 4 foods and 3 production in the early stages of the game.

However, due to its nature, players will need to reinforce cities with such beneficial tiles as it will invite attention from other civilizations as well, especially in multiplayer games. With its coveted nature, a player can expect a Spice city to be highly contested, making it a necessity for such a city to be heavily fortified with walls and an Encampment district to prepare for an invasion.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
October 21, 2016
Firaxis Games