Table of contents


  • Becoming the suzerain of a city-state grants unique bonuses that give an advantage over rivals, such as boosting production for space projects or increasing city growth with science production.
  • Specializing in targeting city-states is useful for certain victory types, like Science Victory, as it allows players to take advantage of the unique bonuses provided by city-states.
  • The suzerain bonuses of certain city-states, such as Johannesburg, can increase production internally between cities, making it easier to achieve a Science Victory with internal production yields.

Becoming a suzerain of a city-state often grants unique bonuses that can put a particular civilization at an advantage compared to its rivals. The bonuses include extra resources for certain actions, enabling unique improvements that increase a tile's yield by a large margin.

Civilization 6: 12 Best Heroes To Rush, Ranked

Civilization 6's Babylon Pack DLC introduced heroes, and here are the best ones to rush.

Each city-state in Civilization 6 will also have its niche to consider since the number of envoys a player can send is limited. Moreover, they will also be competing with other civilizations that are aiming for the same unique bonus of a city-state. Therefore, a specialization might be needed to target city-states, particularly useful for a certain victory type, such as Science Victory.

7 Singapore

Boosts Production For Space Projects

An Image of Civilization 6: Singapore
  • Cities receive +2 Production for each foreign civilization they have a Trade Route to.

Production has always been one of the most important yields to pay attention to in Civilization 6, especially for certain victory types, such as Domination Victory which requires a lot of units to be built, and Science Victory, which requires many district and city projects to be built.

Civilization 6: 7 Best City-States For Warmongers, Ranked

Warmongers in Civ 6 can become leaders of these city-states to earn buffs that will aid them in their goal for a Domination Victory.

By being Singapore's suzerain, a civilization can ensure its cities are quite productive with the help of trade routes. Moreover, it also allows trade routes to be more efficient by increasing production in addition to gold and other yields.

6 Mitla

Quickly Grow A City With The Help Of Science Production

An Image of Civilization 6: Mitla
  • +15% City growth for cities with a Campus.

Building a district sometimes means sacrificing a focus on a city, as it will be dedicated to a certain resource production. One example would be the construction of a Campus in a city, which will put a science focus on a city until it hits another population milestone to build another specialized district.

However, with the help of Mitla, the city can continue to grow speedily by increasing the population growth rate in the city. When combined with other bonuses, it can be more beneficial to rush a Campus first instead of other districts as it helps the rapid development of cities.

5 Johannesburg

Increases Production Internally Between Cities

Image of Civ 6 City State: Johannesburg
  • Cities receive +1 Production for every improved resource type. After researching Industrialization it becomes +2 Production.

In some cases, rushing for a certain victory type such as Science Victory will have players isolated and targeted by other civilizations, especially in multiplayer games where other players will be able to see their progress and plan accordingly.

Civilization 6: 12 Best Heroes To Rush, Ranked

Civilization 6's Babylon Pack DLC introduced heroes, and here are the best ones to rush.

The players might try to isolate and embargo a player aiming for a Science Victory, making it necessary for them to get their resources internally. With the help of Johannesburg, production can be increased by a large margin without any need for outside help, making it easier to achieve a Science Victory with internal production yields.

4 Hattusa

Obtain Difficult Strategic Resources Without Settling Near It

An Image of Civilization 6: Hattusa
  • Provides 2 of each Strategic resource per turn that is revealed, but not owned.

During the latter stages of the game, rare strategic resources such as Aluminium and Uranium become essential for players to obtain and get ahead of their rivals. Unfortunately, these types of resources are more often placed in bad tiles, such as Tundra, Desert, and even Snow, making any effort to acquire it less than ideal.

With Hattusa's suzerainty bonus, a player will be able to simply reveal the resource without having to settle a city near it as it gives two revealed, but not owned strategic resources. A handy bonus for players who aim for a Science Victory, which requires a lot of Aluminium.

3 Bologna

Rush Great Person For Easier Rocket Launching

Image of Civ 6 City State: Bologna
  • Districts with a building provide +1 Great Person point of their type (Great Writer, Great Artist, and Great Musician for Theater Square districts with a building).

Great Persons of any type are always a nice bonus to acquire, especially when they correspond with the victory type that a player is aiming for. In this case, obtaining a great number of Great Persons is crucial, and becoming a suzerain of Bologna will make it easier than ever.

Any district with a building will provide another point for each of their type, making it easier to obtain Great Persons with a specialized focus on Science Victory.

2 Hong Kong

Boost Space Projects Without Any Difficulty

An Image of Civilization 6: Hong Kong
  • Cities get +20% Production towards city projects.

The end stage of Science Victory involves launching an exoplanet expedition to colonize other star systems ahead of other civilizations. These actions require the Spaceport district to be built, and a certain city project to be completed, which is "Launch an Exoplanet Expedition." The travel time of the expedition can be boosted by other city projects, such as Terrestrial Laser Station and Lagrange Laser Station.

With the help of Hong Kong, a player can get a 20% boost in city projects to quickly finish them, making it easier to obtain a Space Victory. Due to this bonus, Hong Kong can be expected to be hotly contested in multiplayer games.

1 Geneva

Keep The Peace To Achieve A Technological Boost

Image of Civ 6 City State: Geneva
  • Cities earn +15% Science if not at war with any civilization.

Players who aim for space victories will often prioritize peaceful application of production in their cities, such as building science buildings and prioritizing a city's growth. With this focus, it is often that players with that particular victory type focus will choose to be peaceful with their neighbors instead of picking a fight.

Civilization 6: 10 Best Technologies To Watch Out For

Civilization 6 holds many great technologies that will enhance the ways that players experience their growing kingdoms.

Therefore, getting to be Geneva's suzerain should be a priority for a player aiming to launch their colony into space. The science bonuses it will give to all the cities will be a huge boon to achieving breakthroughs in technology, making it easier for them to acquire a Science Victory. However, a player should expect combat to come to their doorstep as well since the bonus only applies as long as the civilization is not at war.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
October 21, 2016
Firaxis Games