
  • Civilization 6's diverse approaches to victory have contributed to its stellar reviews and replayability, offering multiple ways to win against the AI.
  • Some leaders in Civilization 6 have clear advantages that make them the best options for newbies or those seeking a straightforward path to victory.
  • Leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Hammurabi, Yongle, Amanitore, and Jayavarman have unique abilities and perks that make them stand out as top leaders in the game.

History has its forms of representation in video games, and the Strategy genre has seen its fair share of titles that progress in a linear timeline from the fledgling Stone Ages to the present state-of-the-art modern era. Age of Empires dominated the scene in the late 90s and continues to hold significance, and through its influence, games like Rise of Nations have enjoyed success with their technological advancements and conquering theme. Sid Meier's Civilization has been around even longer than the Age of Empires franchise, and its leader-focused gameplay distinguishes it from every other title in the strategy landscape. The franchise's most recent edition, Civilization 6, has a myriad of iconic figures for players to choose from, and some offer clear advantages that place them on a pedestal as the best leaders in the game.

Civilization 6's stellar reviews since its launch have their roots in its diverse approaches to victory, as Firaxis gave players multiple ways to win against its AI instead of the traditional "Hulk Smash" conquering trope that sets gamers on a destructive path of rampage across a map. As such, the title keeps adding new content through Leader Packs and the New Frontier Pass to boost its replayability. Each leader comes with unique perks that make achieving a specific victory condition a little easier, and a few can dominate a playthrough with their abilities, making them among the first options for newbies or players seeking a relatively straightforward road to winning, something that Civ 7 should try and replicate.

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Abraham Lincoln

Civilization 6 Abraham Lincoln Diplomacy Screen

Sometimes, the best parts of a game come as later additions, and in Civilization 6's case, Abraham Lincoln's inclusion in the Great Negotiators pack has been heralded as a stroke of genius. Honest Abe's military prowess makes him a premier choice for Domination victories, as his special perk of churning out melee units for completing Industrial Zones gives players the resources to bulldoze through opponents. Although gamers expected the Great Negotiator leaders to be tailored towards Diplomacy victories, Abraham Lincoln's flair for conquest in Civilization 6 makes him one of the best leaders in the game.


Civilization 6 Hammurabi

Since his entrance into the Civilization 6 sphere with the Babylon DLC, Hammurabi has developed a reputation as a broken character for his prowess in Science and Domination. His primary strength lies in Science, as the Babylon Civilization unlocks a technology once they achieve a Eureka, giving players a chance to advance quickly on the Tech Tree. With enough planning to overcome Babylon's costly outright technology purchases, gamers can either focus on a pure Science victory or divert to Domination once they're ahead of the chasing pack of AI leaders, and the multilayered approach makes Hammurabi a Civ 6 favorite.


Civilization 6 Yongle Diplomacy Screen

China has the most leaders in Civilization 6, and Yongle is at the forefront of every player's checklist. Introduced in the Rulers of China DLC, Yongle's Lijia ability has one of the most versatile applications, allowing gamers to generate Food, Gold, or even Faith at short notice -- albeit with a reduction in production. Yongle's Science and Culture gains per population point also add up quickly in a Civilization 6 playthrough, and these boosts are popular among fans.


Civilization 6 Nubian Leader Amanitore

The Queen of the Nubians is a favorite for players who enjoy planning and construction, and the potential for Nubian Pyramids to gain substantial tile bonuses from well-developed surrounding areas is too good to ignore. The Nubians' Pitati Archer is quicker and much more efficient than regular archers, and Amanitore's Kandake of Meroe ability boosts production significantly with proper Pyramid placement, making the Nubians a strong candidate for achieving any Victory condition.


Civilization 6 Jayavarman VII Of The Khmer Laughing

Religion-focused leaders in Civilization 6 are a niche that requires some getting used to, but Jayavarman's boosts and sizable city populations are more than enough to entice players. His Grand Baray's ability increases food production for farms placed near aqueducts, the Khmer Domrey's fearsome ranged abilities can wreak havoc on a battlefield at will, and the Khmers bonuses place Jayavarman near the top of Civilization 6's leader stratosphere.

Civilization 6 is available now for Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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