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Civilization 6 is a complex game, and it requires players to manage quite a handful of resources, relationships, units, and such. It's definitely complicated, especially considering how the UI can be difficult to understand at first.

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Thankfully, there are tons of mods created to simplify every single gameplay element that gamers have to keep track of while playing Civilization 6, and most of them were created by the Civilization 6 community, so they're free and user-friendly. This list contains some of the most useful mods available for the game; as soon as players download them, they will instantly notice how much easier it will be to navigate through all the existing menus and manage everything.

1 Better Builder Charges Tracking Mod

mod that display remaining charges on builder

The Better Builder Charges Tracking mod is a simple UI mod that displays how many charges a Builder unit has left. The number will be present on the screen next to the unit at all times. This way, the player doesn't have to select the unit to keep checking it, and they can manage their builder charges according to location without wasting too much time.

Using this mod also makes it possible for gamers to see how many charges are left on other Builders that belong to City-States, other civilizations, or Barbarians. This way, it's much easier to decide if it's worth going after a Barbarian Builder or if it's worth declaring war on an enemy for an unattended Builder in the early game.

2 Real Great People Mod

ui mod that shows real great people images

In Civilization 6, players will recruit Great People every now and then, and they will provide valuable advantages and incredible benefits to their empire. The Great People in Civilization 6 are important individuals who left their mark in certain areas and subjects throughout the History of the world.

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Unfortunately, there are no actual pictures of these people in the game's original UI, only an icon representing their field of knowledge. Thankfully, the Real Great People mod fixes this issue by adding real images of all Great People in Civilization 6. It also includes a useful Overview tab that allows gamers to quickly see the perks and advantages that each Great Person grants.

3 Better Report Screen Mod

mod that displays an improved reports screen more tabs

There is no doubt that Civilization 6 is a complex game; there is a lot to keep track of at all times. The Better Report Screen UI mod is a helpful Civilization 6 mod that makes it much easier for players to manage all of their city's yields as well as many other stats that are important to take into consideration when leading a civilization.

With the Better Report Screen mod, gamers can quickly and accurately track all active deals, known gossip, their units (including health, experience, and movement), and many other stats that they wouldn't be able to so easily track with the vanilla game UI. It's much more efficient.

4 Better City-States Mod

better display screen on city-states overview

City-States are an important aspect of Civilization 6. Gamers can conquer City-States for land and resources, or they can build a friendly relationship and take advantage of their unique perks. The vanilla City-State menu is excessively complicated. It can be difficult and frustrating to navigate through it in order to find a City-State's quest or what kind of luxury or strategic resources the player is obtaining from them.

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Thankfully, the Better City-States mod improves the in-game City-State menu. This way, gamers can hover over its name to get successful information about its Suzerain bonus; its quest will be displayed automatically; and it will show how many envoys a player has sent to a City-State as well as the highest number of envoys that have been placed by an opponent.

5 Real Era Tracker Mod

ui mod that allows players to check off era score

The Rise and Fall expansion pack added an Era Score feature to Civilization 6. Players receive Era Score each time they experience an Historic Moment. Depending on the amount of Era Score they receive during an era, they might get a Golden Age, a Normal Age, a Dark Age, or even a Heroic Age - this will heavily impact gameplay.

It can be difficult to keep track of how much Era Score a player needs to get a Golden Age before the end of an era or if they've already been rewarded for a specific Historic Moment. Thankfully, the Real Era Tracker mod has a menu with all possible Historic Moments for each leader and for each era as well.

6 Detailed Map Tracks Mod

mod that displays yields next to map marker

Planning District placement in Civilization 6 is very important as it will influence a civilization's yields until the end of the game. Districts can benefit quite a lot from adjacency bonuses by being placed next to specific tiles, but for gamers that aren't as familiar with all the bonuses for all the different Districts and leaders, it can be a tedious calculation that can go wrong in some cases.

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The Detailed Map Tracks mod places an indicator of just how much a District will benefit when placed on a certain tile. Players simply need to place a marker, and the yields that it'll grant in that spot will appear on the screen.

7 Extended Policy Cards Mod

mod that displays policy card changes

The Extended Policy Cards mod in a way is similar to the Detailed Map Tracks mod; its objective is to make it easier for the player to manage their city, in this case through the various Policy Cards available, and be able to know the outcome of a decision before making it.

With the Extended Policy Cards mod, players can see how implementing certain Policies as part of their government will affect their yields. It will indicate how much they will gain or lose when it comes to Gold, Housing, Culture, Science, or Faith.

Civilization 6 is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Civilization 6: Wonder Tier List