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Of the different victory conditions in Civilization 6, a Science victory is perhaps the easiest for new players to obtain. This is in part due to the fact that the requirements for winning with Science are very straightforward, and fans should be able to hit the necessary milestones fairly consistently. This is especially true if a player brings one of Civ 6's best Science leaders to the table, and the purpose of this guide is to detail the most powerful civ for this victory condition.

The first thing that players should know is that there are many great Science civs in Civilization 6, and Australia, Scotland, Arabia, Sumeria, and Germany are all perfectly good choices. However, when looking for Civ 6's best Science leader it is hard to find anyone that is better than Seondeok of Korea, who was introduced in the Rise and Fall expansion.

RELATED: Civilization 6: Best Leader for Beginners

Indeed, Korea's ability to generate Science in Civilization 6 is unparalleled thanks in large part to its unique district, the Seowon. This very powerful district replaces the Campus for Korea, and it generates +4 Science so long as there are no districts adjacent to it. Additionally, the Seowon has a lower Production cost than the Campus, allowing players to get it down faster and secure their lead in the space race early.

best science leader civ 6

The strategy when using this best Civ 6 leader is thus to pickup Writing promptly and get a Seowon down as quickly as possible. Ideally, this unique district is placed in a tile that is adjacent to Mines, as Korea's Three Kingdoms ability increases the Science that this improvement yields when in this configuration. Seondeok's leader bonus, Hwarang, also helps in generating more Science, and it is advisable to couple this ability with Governor Pingala.

One final thing to say is that Civilization 6's Gathering Storm expansion did bring down the overall power level of the Seowon relative to the Campus, as it made it easier to give the Campus a high starting adjacency bonus. However, it is still quite safe to say that Seondeok is the best Science leader in Civ 6, and players that want to focus specifically on achieving that victory condition should certainly give Korea a look.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: Best Pantheon