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There are several difficult choices to make in Civilization 6, one of which is choosing a Pantheon. This is something that fans will need to do in the early turns of a game, and the sheer number of Pantheons in Civilization 6 can prove somewhat overwhelming. As such, this guide looks to shine some light on the best Civ 6 Pantheons and will hopefully make the decision at least a bit easier for new players.

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To start, it is important to note that there is no one best Pantheon in Civilization 6, as the optimal choice can vary based on things like the victory type a player is pursuing. That said, there are a handful of Pantheons that are almost always good choices, and they may just be the best options for those fans that are looking to win by Domination or Diplomacy.

Updated November 21, 2021 by Mark Hospodar: Fans have quite a few tools at their disposal to aid them in their Civilization 6 playthrough. One early advantage players can strive towards is securing their first Pantheon. These early religious ideas come with their own set of unique benefits.

However, which Pantheon in Civ 6 should a player choose? Although each one is useful in some aspects, a few are definitely worth considering over others. Players should first identify what type of victory they're attempting to achieve. Selecting the right Pantheon that suits one's playstyle then becomes a much easier decision to make.

City Patron Goddess

Specialty Districts From Civilization 6
  • +25% Production toward districts in cities without a specialty district

While players will likely not receive the bonus from this Civ 6 pantheon in later stages, the extra Production can be a huge boon in the early game. Cities and districts can't expand without Production, so capitalizing on this boost early on can give players a leg-up on the competition.

Fertility Rites

Builder From Civilization 6
  • When chosen, receive a Builder in your capital. City growth rate is 10% higher

The combination of increased city growth and an additional Builder makes this pantheon a great choice for getting ahead of the curve. In addition to the bonus to city growth rate, the extra Builder that players receive as part of this Pantheon can come in handy. Players can save some extra Gold and Production by putting this useful freebie to work.

God Of The Forge

Defending A City From Civilization 6
  • +25% Production toward Ancient and Classical military units

A strong choice for players defending against barbarians or pursuing a Domination victory, this Civilization 6 Pantheon will produce military units at a faster clip. Aggressive players who enjoy rushing their enemies through inexorable might will find God of the Forge quite useful. Securing a strong position from the early going can save players a lot of headaches.

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Being able to marshal a large military force in the Ancient and Classical eras is a fine advantage to possess no matter what kind of victory players intend on winning.

Religious Settlements

Settler From Civilization 6
  • When chosen, receive a Settler in your capital. Border expansion rate is 15% faster

Similar to Fertility Rites, this Pantheon can really help fans get established in the early game by providing a free Settler. Settlers are used to found new cities, so acquiring an extra one for free nets the player an additional opportunity for expansion.

Again, players should feel free to choose one of these best Civ 6 Pantheons in almost all instances, though there are options for fans that have their sights set on Culture, Religion, or Science victories that are worth considering.

Best Pantheons For A Culture Victory

Culture Victory From Civilization 6

Pantheons that grant additional Culture are the way to go here, and Goddess of Festivals and God of the Open Sky do just that in this popular real-time strategy game. The benefits of these two Pantheons include:

  • Goddess of Festivals: +1 Culture from Plantations
  • God of the Open Sky: +1 Culture from Pastures

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Depending on the layout of the map and the location of resources, these Pantheons represent great choices for those looking to secure a Culture Victory. Players that are lucky enough to spawn in an area where the requisite resources for Plantations/Pastures are close-at-hand will find these Pantheons to be a tremendous help in accumulating Culture points.

Best Pantheons For A Religion Victory

Religious Victory From Civilization 6

Players that want to win by Religion are going to need Faith. The God of War, Initiation Rites, and Religious Idols Pantheons can help boost one's Faith, providing stepping stones to securing that Religion Victory. The stats for these Pantheons are:

  • God of War: Bonus Faith equal to 50% of the strength of each combat unit killed within 8 tiles of a Holy Site district
  • Initiation Rites: +50 Faith for each Barbarian Outpost cleared. The unit that cleared the Barbarian Outpost heals +100 HP
  • Religious Idols: +2 Faith from Mines over Luxury and Bonus resources

Additionally, Dance of the Aurora, Desert Folklore, and Earth Goddess can all be good choices too depending on the nearby terrain. The characteristics of these Pantheons include:

  • Dance of the Aurora: Holy Site districts get +1 Faith from adjacent Tundra tiles
  • Desert Folklore: Holy Site districts get +1 Faith from adjacent Desert tiles
  • Earth Goddess: +1 Faith from tiles with Breathtaking Appeal

Any of these six Pantheons can prove useful in seeking a Religion Victory. The first three reward particularly aggressive players serious about expansion. The latter three are more location-dependent, but can still come in handy if the land proves favorable.

Best Pantheons For A Science Victory

Science Victory From Civilization 6

Players interested in achieving a Science Victory will also find a Pantheon worth exploring. Divine Spark, namely, should appeal to the more scientifically-inclined players looking to attract as many Great People to their civilization as possible. Its stats include:

  • Divine Spark: +1 Great Person point from Holy Sites (Prophet), Campuses with a Library (Scientist), and Theater Squares with an Amphitheater (Writer)

Divine Spark is a strong Pantheon to couple with Civ 6 leaders that want to make their way through the tech tree. Fans hoping to attract a Great Prophet and start their own religion will find this Pantheon of particular use.

Civilization 6 was released in 2016 and is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: Tips For Avoiding Warmonger Penalties

Source: Fanbyte