Civilization 6 is seeing a resurgence in play, in part due to it being recently free on EGS and due to Civ 6's upcoming Expansion Pass making several new additions to the game. That's not to say it ever fell to the wayside; no, instead it's a beautiful way to bring back lapsed fans and introduce new fans to the fun military strategy game.

The first choice, though, may be one of the most important in Civilization 6. Which leader and civilization a player chooses can define the course of the game, and more important, the strategy that should be played with. As such, here's all there is to know about Civ 6's Theodore Roosevelt.

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Quick History Lesson: Teddy Roosevelt, 26th U.S. President

teddy rooseelt

As with all civilizations, the leader is one of the most well-known from that civilization. In the past, America has been represented by George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt, but in Civilization 6, that falls to Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt. The 26th U.S. President (1901-1909) is known for a lot of things, not least of all was his character—he had a fiery persona and has been described as a conservationist, a warrior, and far more.

From VP, he assumed the presidency following McKinley's assassination, become the youngest person to become President of the U.S. He led a progression movement and champion Square Deal domestic policies, which included railroad regulations, the breaking of trusts, the regulation of food labeling,  and far more. He established national parks, forests, monuments, and more to preserve natural resources, while also constructing the Panama Canal, expanding the naval, bringing an end to the Russo-Japanese War, and more. He groomed his friend, William Howard Taft, to follow him but ended up displeased. He was also outspoken against Woodrow Wilson's handling of World War I.

Civ 6: Teddy Roosevelt Civilization and Leader Abilities

civ 6 mustang

Leader Agenda - Big Stick Policy. When playing against America, players should known that Teddy Roosevelt likes peaceful civilization that he shares a continent with but dislikes those who start war on his continent.

Civilization Ability - Founding Fathers. In Rise and Fall, it converts Diplomacy Cards into Wildcard slots. In the base, it halved the time needed to receive government legacy bonuses.

Unique Unit Type - America's Civ 6 unique unit type is the P-51 Mustang. It's a bit of an equalizer for the Americans, as it is the only unique flying unit type, and it receives a bonus against other airborne units. On top of that, it also gains XP quickly.

Unique Building Type - Film Studios. Replaces the Broadcast Center and doubles tourism in that city.

Leader Bonus: Roosevelt Corollary. In many ways, this bonus is the meat of playing America in Civilization 6 and emphasizes many of Roosevelt's real-world attributes in-game (even more so than his famous Big Stick Policy). First, early units gain a +5 bonus on their home continent, a +1 appeal to all tiles with a city that has a National Park (Naturalist required), and gain the Rough Rider Unique Unit type after unlocking rifling.

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American Strategy in Civilization 6

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Played the right way, any Civ 6 victory type is possible here. However, Domination victory or Cultural Victory are much easier to obtain than the Diplomatic, Science, or Religious victories. America's abilities unique tie into the two former much easier than the latter three, and there's where players should focus and strategist. Of the two easiest, Culture is the best.

To get a Culture Victory in Civ 6, players should stick with a Classic Republic as long as possible, building up their Great Person generation, and use National Parks and Film Studios to almost literally bulldoze others in terms of Tourism output. Essentially, wise investments early on quickly become huge payoffs later for America.

To get a Domination Victory in Civ 6, stick with an oligarchy, use the early Combat bonuses to expand as quick as possible, turtle down in defensive gameplay, and wait for the late gameplay bonuses to hit to sweep with a domination victory. Once Rough Riders and the P-51 Mustangs start rolling in, it's an entirely different ballpark.

To sum up using the American civilization, there's a general focus: late game bonuses. Besides the small combat buff, America is not particularly noteworthy in the early game. It's enough to expand quickly in Civ 6 and knock out at least one other civilization, if they are on the same continent especially, but they're not easy to take the quick lead. Instead, focusing on building up quickly and getting to the endgame is the best strategy for this civilization, as it'll unlock its best operations (either cultural constructions or unique military types) quicker that way.

It's not impossible to get ahead in the early game with America, just that it's not as easy, but if players do manage it, then it quickly becomes a runaway game straight to victory. On the other hand, even if America falls behind in the midgame, the late game bonuses will quickly, quickly turn the game around. Don't count Teddy out in Civilization 6 before the fat lady sings; he walks quietly but carries a big stick.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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