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Civilization 6 offers players eight choices for governors to help push the cities of their civilizations into the next era, and picking the best ones can be very important to reaching certain victory conditions. That said, each governor excels in different ways, so it can be difficult to know which is actually the best.

The short of it is that no one governor is better than another. Civilization 6 has many victory conditions, and certain governors will help players reach certain conditions better. In general, though, there are a few that players should't pass up, which tend to be ideal in almost any situation.

RELATED: Civilization 6: How to Pick the Best Start Position

The eighth governor, Ibrahim, is unique to the Ottoman civilization, so while he is rather useful for achieving either a diplomatic or domination victory, he won't be considered due to his limited nature. With that in mind, the two best governors all around are Pingala and Liang.

Civilization 6 Governor - Pingala

Pingala Civ 6 Governor

Pingala is one of the 7 base governors available to every civilization, and what makes him so useful is mainly his Grants promotion. Grants doubles Great People points production in the city that Pingala is governing, and is one of the most useful all-around promotions in the game. Great People points can help with nearly any victory condition, as they can allow the player to get things such as Great Generals for military victories or Great Scientist for science victories. His other promotions are helpful as well, as the early ones increase production on Campus buildings and Theater Squares, while his late game options boost nuclear armament projects and space-program projects.

Civilization 6 Governor - Liang

Liang Governor Civ 6

Liang also stands out for her versatility and low barrier to entry. Arguably her best ability is her starting one, which provides builders trained in her city with one extra build charge. This is great for conserving production and for getting districts built quick early on. Builders start with three charges, and when this is paired with other elements such as policies or the Great Pyramids, it can greatly boost the efficacy of just one builder. Since this is her starting ability, it only costs one governor title to get and can be well worth that small investment. What's more, her mid game ability, Reinforced Materials, is great for the new Apocalypse game mode, as it negates damage to improvements, buildings, and districts caused by Environmental Effects.

It should be noted that these two governors are in no way the end all be all of governors. Moksha, for example, is by far the best choice for players going for a religious victory in Civ 6. Likewise, Amani will outperform either of these two if the player is aiming for a cultural victory. Ultimately, it also boils down to preference, but these are good places to start.

Civilization 6 is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: Wonder Tier List