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While perhaps not the easiest way to win in Civilization 6, Domination is a perfectly suitable victory condition for both new and experienced players to pursue. As the name suggests, this victory type is all about conquering one's opponents, and fans going for a Domination win in Civ 6 are advised to enlist the help of a strong, militaristic leader. For those players that are not certain about exactly what leader to choose for Domination, this guide is here to help.

As with the other victory conditions in Civilization 6, there are many different civs that can work when trying to win by Domination, and players should feel perfectly happy picking the Aztecs, Hungarians, Mongolians, or Zulu. However, fans that are in the market for the absolute best Civ 6 leader for Domination need look no further than Alexander the Great of Macedonia.

RELATED: Civilization 6 Leader Tier List

Indeed, this Civilization 6 leader brings some extremely powerful tools for waging war to the table. His two unique units, the Hetairoi and Hypaspist, are both strong, and his To the World's End ability, which heals all military units completely when they capture a city with a Wonder, means that they can continually push forward. Additionally, Macedonia can get free Eurekas and Inspirations from captures, allowing them to easily develop alongside their offense.

civ 6 best domination leader

So too, Macedonia's unique building, Basilikoi Paides, is quite useful, as it grants the civ with Science simply for producing military units. While this might not put Macedonia into the running for best Science civ in Civilization 6, it does mean that they can keep up technologically without building an early Campus, allowing them to put their focus into their real strength: total domination.

One final thing to say about Alexander is that he is an especially good choice for Civ 6 beginners, as his leader bonus prevents his cities from ever incurring war weariness. While perhaps not the most complex mechanic in Civilization 6, war weariness is something that players have to be mindful of when mounting an assault with the game's other leaders. Considering how much there is to keep track of in this acclaimed strategy title, new players may find it useful to eliminate a mechanic or two, and Alexander does just that.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: Best Religion Beliefs