Like the march of civilization itself, Civilization 6 has gradually made its way to multiple platforms in the four years since its original PC launch, and now it can add one more platform to that list, because the game has just been released for Android devices, almost three years since it came to iOS devices.

Similarly to iOS, the newest version of the popular turn-based strategy game is now free to download from the Google Play Store. It’s worth noting that this is a free-to-start title that lets players take on Civilization 6 for 60 turns at no cost. After that, they’ll have to pay $19.99 to get the rest of the core game, which, while a lot for a mobile game, is fairly equal to the price of the game on other platforms.

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Following that purchase, players will have the option to get their hands on additional content like expansions and new civilizations through Civilization 6’s in-game store. The pricing for these add-ons is as follows:

  • Rise and Fall expansion - $29.99
  • Gathering Storm expansion - $39.99
  • Civilization and Scenario packs - $4.99-$8.99
Civ 6 Wonder

That’s a lot of money to spend to get everything the game has to offer currently. No doubt that will be a turn-off for a lot of would-be players, who will probably go for some of the other solid mobile strategy games out there instead. For those who can afford it, though, they’ll find plenty of deep gameplay content waiting for them, thanks to all of the updates the game has dropped throughout the years.

Civilization 6 is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: How to Use Great Writers