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Sid Meier's Civilization 6 is a strategy game where players need to keep track of many different resources in order to build up their empire and amenities are one of the most important ones. Newer Civ 6 players may find that their citizens are demanding more amenities in order to upkeep happiness.

Citizen happiness in Civilization 6 is very important, as it affects overall production and can lead to rebellions occurring that spawn numerous barbarians if it gets too low. Amenities are what help to bring up citizen happiness and they can be both found and built.

RELATED: What is the Easiest Victory Condition in Civilization 6

The earliest amenities that players can get when starting out a game of Civ 6 are luxury resources. They include:

  • Cinnamon
  • Citrus
  • Cloves
  • Cocoa
  • Coffee
  • Cosmetics
  • Cotton
  • Diamonds
  • Dyes
  • Furs
  • Gypsum
  • Incense
  • Ivory
  • Jade
  • Jeans
  • Marble
  • Mercury
  • Pearls
  • Perfume
  • Salt
  • Silk
  • Silver
  • Spices
  • Sugar
  • Tea
  • Tobacco
  • Toys
  • Truffles
  • Whales
  • Wine
Civ 6 Port Harbor City

After building on luxury resource tiles, player can additionally trade with other leaders for their luxury resources and vice versa, as the more variety that exists increases the amount of amenities.

Building an entertainment complex district will give amenities to the city in which it is constructed. Further amenities can be created after the entertainment complex's initial construction.

There are also four Wonders that increase amenities. They are:

  • Alhambra
  • Colosseum
  • Estadio do Maracana
  • Huey Teocalli

Another way to increase amenities is through various religious pantheons that focus on amenities. There are also various social policies that can be put forward that increase amenities if put in a players' government.

The best way to prevent losing amenities is avoiding bankruptcy and war weariness. War weariness is gained from fighting in too many wars with not enough time in between for the citizens of the nation to rest. This is something that needs to be paid attention to if players are intending to get a domination victory.

To avoid being caught off guard by the sudden unhappiness in a city, players should pay close attention to all of the resources at their disposal and plan for the future. New players are also advised to listen to what's recommended when choosing what the next production will be in their cities as well as what the game recommends as places to build their cities.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6 Leader Tier List

Source: Civ 6 Gamepedia