
  • The units in Civilization 7 are crucial for achieving victory and players need to plan their units strategically to succeed.
  • The Battering Ram in Civilization 6 is a useful support unit that allows melee units to attack city walls without damage reduction, making it valuable for early-game warfare.
  • The Battering Ram could potentially return to Civilization 7 as a support military unit, offering players diverse strategies and options for combat.

When it comes to Civilization 7's prospective units, one more underrated option from Civilization 6 shouldn't be overlooked. There are a lot of units that are practically guaranteed to return, such as the Warrior, Worker, and Archer, due to the vital roles that they serve. It is the more specialized units that deserve a more discerning look, because their roles could change in coming games, or they could be left out entirely. It all depends on the direction that Civilization 7 takes. A few of the more niche units can still be useful, and will hopefully return.

The road to a player's chosen victory condition in Civilization is largely paved by the units that they build. Civilizations need armies in order to fight, merchants to trade, and workers to develop the lands. Whether it's building a mine to receive iron, or turning that iron into a sword, players need plans for their units no matter what the situation. This is even more true later in the game, when spies can sabotage other civs and archeologists can provide significant tourism bonuses, and that's even without mentioning the incredible military might of aircraft. By the late game, many players will find their lands flooded with useful units.

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Civilization 6's Battering Ram Deserves a Place in Civilization 7

The Battering Ram from Civilization 6

One useful tool for warfare in Civilization 6's early game is the Battering Ram. Unlocked through researching Masonry, the Battering Ram is a support unit that allows the user's adjacent melee units to attack city walls without the usual damage reduction. Since Ancient Walls unlock very early, a well-prepared civilization can insulate themselves from attack quite quickly. The improved defenses can be a serious obstacle for the attacking army, costing them time and potentially forces as their attack slows to a crawl. However, Battering Rams help to tear down walls at a faster rate, rendering the cities more bearable to fight against.

Even though the Battering Ram doesn't deal damage on its own, players seeking a Domination Victory in Civilization 6 would do well to build a few early. In fact, they represent a good aspect of Civilization's diversity of strategy. Battering Rams are the first real support units that players get access to, likely becoming available within the first 50 turns, and they do a good job of demonstrating the usefulness of support units in the game. Better still, in the midgame it can upgrade to a Medic, trading out its wall-busting power to heal the same units that it had previously empowered.

Even if Firaxis doesn't want to bring back the Battering Ram in its current state, there's already an alternative. While it's a good unit to bring to Civilization 7 from Civ 6, it actually debuted in Civilization 5 as one of Attila's unique units. The original Battering Ram was a combat unit that could only attack cities, but did triple the normal damage while attacking, far outclassing any other Ancient Era unit. This made it a serious threat in early wars, and a big reason to fear Attila in-game. This impactful debut means that Civilization 7 could bring back the Battering Ram as either a support or military unit.

Players don't have a lot of options in the Ancient Era, but the Battering Ram introduces players to an important aspect of the game at the right time. Although not one of Civilization 6's most powerful units, it's fantastic at the job it does, and introduces the same dynamic that can be seen later with Great Generals and Great Admirals. It's a good addition to the early game, giving players a vital counter to a powerful defensive option. The Battering Ram certainly deserves the chance to return in Civilization 7.

Civilization 7 is in development.

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