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The New Frontier Pass introduced 6 new DLC packs to Civilization 6, beginning with Maya & Gran Colombia, and ending with Portugal. One of the larger DLCs introduced in the New Frontier Pass was the Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack, which added Bà Triệu of Vietnam and Kublai Khan of both China and Mongolia to the Civilization 6 roster.

As the grandson of the legendary Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan inherited the powerful Mongolian Empire and spent his life expanding its borders into China. He formed the Yuan dynasty in 1271, and declared himself Emperor of both China and Mongolia. Reflecting this dual nationality, Kublai Khan is available as both a Chinese and Mongolia Leader in Civilization 6, and his Gerege Leader Ability can allow him to excel with either nation.

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Mongolian Kublai Khan's Features and Abilities

Civ 6 Mongolian Kublai Khan Loading Screen

In his Mongolian Persona, Kublai Khan shares the same Civilization Ability, Keshig Unique Unit, and Unique Building as his grandfather Genghis. However, his Leader Ability Gerege allows him to take full advantage of the quick Trading Posts from Mongolia's Örtöö.


How it Works

Leader Ability


  • Gain an additional Economic Policy Slot in all Governments
  • Receive a random Eureka and Inspiration when establishing a Trading Post in another Civilization's City

Civilization Ability


  • Sending a Trade Route immediately creates a Trading Post in the target City
  • Gain an extra level of Diplomatic Visibility with Civilizations that have a Mongolian Trading Post
  • All units gain +6 Combat strength for each level of Diplomatic Visibility that Mongolia has with the enemy Civilization, instead of the normal +3

Unique Unit


  • Unique Mongolian Medieval Era Ranged Cavalry unit
  • Unlocked by the Stirrups Technology
  • Uses the Ranged unit's promotion tree, despite being classified as a Ranged Cavalry unit
  • Can escort non-combat units at full speed
  • Ignores enemy zone of control
  • 4 Movement, 2 Sight
  • 35 Melee strength
  • 45 Ranged strength, 2 Range
  • 3 Gold maintenance

Unique Building


  • Unique Mongolian Ancient Era Encampment Building
  • Unlocked by the Horseback Riding Technology
  • Replaces the Stable
  • +1 Movement for all cavalry units trained in this City

How to Play as Chinese Kublai Khan

Civ 6 Mongolian Kublai Khan Keshig Army

The first part of Kublai Khan's Gerege Ability is universally useful, granting him an additional Economic Policy Slot in every Civilization 6 Government. Mongolian Kublai Khan will want to establish strong Trade Routes as quickly as possible, and the extra Economic Policy Slot can be used to boost their yields right from the Ancient Era. With a constant flow of Traders into neighboring lands and City-states, players will be able to build up the Diplomatic Visibility that will boost their Keshig armies when the time comes to follow in the warlike footsteps of Genghis himself.

The second part of Gerege combos perfectly with this playstyle, granting Mongolian Kublai Khan a free Eureka and Inspiration each time he starts a Trade Route to a new City and receives the Mongolian instant Trading Post. With enough early Trade Routes, these Eurekas can rush players down the Technology tree to vital Mongolian Technologies like Horseback Riding and Stirrups, allowing them to roll over their neighbors with cavalry before proper defenses can be established. Once players have established dominance of their local area, they can then decide whether to continue warring in pursuit of a Civilization 6 Domination Victory, or use the economic advantage of their expanded lands to pursue Science, Culture, or Diplomacy.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Android, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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