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Just as it's hard to build a good house on weak foundations, in Civilization 6 it's hard to build a strong Civ from a poor start. The first dozen turns of a game of Civilization often dictate the pace of the following centuries, as neighbors are encountered, barbarians vanquished, and territory staked out.

It makes sense then that the first few production choices in a Civ 6 starting build order are some of the most crucial of all. Neglecting an aspect of strategy early on, failing to leverage a strength or offset a weakness, can leave a civilization falling further and further behind as the game progresses. Unfortunately, there is no single recommended build order at the start of a Civilization 6 game, so instead here's our guide on how to read the situation and adapt to it.

Updated March 19, 2022, by John Higgs: With the final DLC of Civilization 6's New Frontier Pass arriving last year, and nothing new announced since then, it seems as though Firaxis' legendary strategy title has received its final expansion. While the Portugal DLC pack did launch alongside a free update, which added some new units, the best Civilization 6 early build order remains unchanged into the game's final chapter. Still, players could always use more handy hints, so this list has been updated to include some tips on turns further into the game.

Civ 6's Early Build Order

Civilization 6 Slimeria

Knowledge is power, and no matter which Civilization 6 Leader was picked, there's nothing more important in the early game than getting the lay of the land. This makes the Scout an almost-essential first pick in the Civ 6 build order, as with their mobility they can quickly roll back the fog of war, exposing enemies, neighbors, and potential expansions.

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The Scout is so helpful that there are some players who advocate for building a second one after the first in their Civilization 6 build order. On certain maps, particularly those that are larger or have fewer oceans, this can be a good idea; however, most of the time a single Scout working in tandem with the starting Warrior is enough to start picking new city locations.

The Scout can be even more useful in the early build order of Civ 6's alternate game modes. In the Secret Societies mode, the Scout will help a player to quickly make contact with one of the Societies, while in the Heroes & Legends modem it can help them discover new Heroes. In the Zombie Defense and Barbarian Clans mode, it's sensible to follow up the Scout with a Slinger for early defense.

First Ten Turns In Civ 6

civilization 6 settlers

While a Scout is almost always the best first choice in any Civilization 6 build order, what to build second, third, and fourth is a much more complicated question. However, there are a few rules of thumb that can be used to discern the next build.

  • Settler: A player who has discovered another civilization nearby should probably build a Settler second, in order to lay a quick claim to the middle-ground, and avoid getting boxed into a corner, leading to a loss in Civ 6's higher difficulties.
  • Slinger: If early scouting has revealed a couple of barbarian camps, a Slinger can be a good choice. While not a very strong unit in Civilization 6 on its own, killing a barbarian with a Slinger will boost the tech needed for the Archer, which is an early-game staple.
  • Worker: If the area is safe enough but the tiles are weak in the capital, then a Worker is the best choice for the next build. In the first few turns of the game, the bonus from three Tile Improvements can really kickstart a city's growth.
  • Granary: The Granary is more likely to be third or fourth in a Civ 6 early game build order, and certainly should wait until the first Settler is out. While its Food and Housing bonus is useful for cities that have settled without growth tiles or fresh water, those that have them can do without it for a while.
  • Monument: The Monument is another building that can wait a few turns, unless a player feels the need to rush for a specific Civilization 6 Policy Card. The +2 Culture is certainly useful in a growing capital, but can often be substituted by local Luxury resources.

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Turns 10-30 in Civ 6

Civilization 6 screenshot of the build screen showing the various districts including campus and commercial hub

Once players have built their first few buildings and units in Civilization 6, the next move is considering which District to start with in the capital. Again, this decision will depend heavily on the situation, as well as which technologies and civics have been researched:

  • Holy Site: One of the two Districts that players are likely to unlock first, the Holy Site should be the first pick for anyone planning to head for a religious victory, or using one of Civilization 6's Religious Civs. Unlike many Districts, it's perfectly acceptable for players to never build Holy Sites, though it can leave them vulnerable to another Civ's religions.
  • Campus: The other District that players can reach after just two Techs, the Campus is a great early choice whether players will eventually aim for a Science victory or not. Accelerating through the early Techs unlocks new buildings to enhance cities, and new units to stay ahead of the neighbors. The Campus competes with the Holy Site for mountain-adjacent locations, but also comes with a powerful rainforest adjacency that should be utilized by players with jungle starts.
  • Encampment: Building an Encampment first is rarely a worthwhile endeavor, and should only be considered if players are already facing down aggressive neighbors. It's almost always better to get a Campus first instead, and unlock superior units faster.
  • Harbor: A fine choice in an archipelago or island-based game, the Harbor's early usefulness diminishes with the amount of naval exploration and combat that players expect to do. The Harbor is also a good source of Gold when it has adjacency bonuses, particularly with the extra Trade Routes that each one unlocks.
  • Commercial Hub: Probably one of the last early game Districts that players will unlock, the Commercial Hub should be low on most players' priority lists. The only exceptions are those Civs which have a unique version of the District, and land-locked players who can't get the increase to Trade Routes from the Harbor instead.
  • Theater Square: Four steps into the Civic tree and competing with the much more impactful Political Philosophy Civic, most players won't unlock the Theater Square until quite a while after the other early Districts. Despite being an obvious early game Civ strategy for Civilizations going for a tourism victory, most players will be fine waiting until they've at least got a Campus before building their first Theater Square.

Civilization 6 is available for iOS, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Civilization 6: Best Religion Beliefs