Table of contents

Civilization 6 is an engrossing strategy game in which the player can easily lose track of time by telling themselves "one more turn" over and over again. It's easy to spend hours on end playing the game once the player has learned the basics and is ready to follow their own route with the knowledge they have.

'Civilization V: Brave New World' Review

Boasting incredible new gameplay elements and features, Civilization V: Brave New World is a worthy addition to Firaxis Games' addicting turn-based strategy behemoth.

When first starting out, it can be hard to master the game and get to know its concepts and mechanics. This extensive guide's main focus is to help players get a full grasp of the most important aspects of Civilization 6, so they can get the most out of the game.

Updated on December 1, 2023, by Ashely Claudino: Despite being around for a few years now, there is a lot of content in Civilization 6, especially with the release of its various DLC packs and the Leader Pass. This guide has been updated to include more guides on the more recent Leader Pass leaders as well as other useful topics, such as lists with mods that improve the game's quality of life and the monthly challenges added to Steam.