
  • Unique improvements in Civilization 6 can greatly enhance a civilization's potential and should be strategically built for maximum advantage.
  • Nubian Pyramid allows the Nubian civilization to thrive on desert tiles and grants various bonuses based on adjacency.
  • Terrace Farm boosts growth and productivity for the Incan civilization, especially when settled near mountains.

With the variety of unique strengths each civilizations have in Civilization 6, it is quite important to know which and how to maximize a civilization's potential by using its advantages to the maximum. For example, a civilization with a unique district can try to have one in each of its cities and build unique improvements to improve a tile's yield, making it important to be built wherever and whenever possible.

Civilization 6: 7 Scariest AI Civilization To Play Against

These AI Civilizations can become a nightmare to deal with for players of Civilization 6.

These unique improvements will mostly improve the existing yield and enrich the tiles even further, but some also have unique abilities that can benefit the civilization in some ways. Therefore, knowing each of the unique improvements, strengths, and viability during the game is crucial for every player of Civilization 6.

7 Nubian Pyramid (Nubian)

Convert Desert Tiles Into Beneficial Tiles

An image of Civilization 6: nubian-pyramid
  • Provide +2 faith, +2 food as base yield
  • +1 food if adjacent to the city center, +1 science for each adjacent campus, +1 gold for each adjacent commercial hub or harbor, +1 faith for each adjacent holy site, +1 production for each adjacent industrial zone, +1 culture for each adjacent theater square

Desert tiles have been notoriously hard to manage and all-around miserable to settle in due to their horrible base yield unless the civilization can somehow secure a Petra in the city or settle in near a luxury resource that is desert-based. However, Nubian thrives on these tiles instead, as they have the Nubian Pyramid, a powerful improvement that can only be built on a desert tile.

The Nubian Pyramid will grant faith and food as a base yield modifier and can be boosted further for each adjacency that the improvement has. It is not an uncommon sight to see Nubian players build districts around the Nubian Pyramid for maximum tile adjacency bonuses.

6 Kampung (Indonesian)

Boosts Coastal Tiles And Earn A Chance For A Culture Victory

An image of Civilization 6: -kampung
  • Provide +1 production and housing as base yield
  • +1 food for every adjacent fishing boat
  • Grants tourism based on the food yield after researching Flight

Players who often encounter Indonesia as one of their rival civilizations will not be unfamiliar with the Kampung. This tile improvement can act as both a growth facilitator for a city and a way for Indonesia's players to win a Culture Victory due to its tourism boost that is tied to the food yield.

Civilization 6: 23 Tips On How To Get A Cultural Victory

There are a variety of ways to win Civilization 6. Here's a look at how you can secure a cultural victory.

These bonuses enable Indonesia to be a naval powerhouse in all stages of the game, from the early exploration age to the tumultuous modern age that might be filled with war and political intrigue. All in all, Kampung is one of the most reliable tile improvements that can be built in the game.

5 Great Wall (Chinese)

Both A Defensive And Offensive Improvement In Many Ways

An image of Civilization 6: great-wall
  • Unit occupying Great Wall receives +4 defense strength and 2 turns of fortification automatically
  • Provide +2 gold as a base yield
  • Every adjacent Great Wall provides +2 gold and +2 culture
  • Provide tourism equal to its culture output after researching Flight

The Great Wall has been a lovely sight in real life, as it attracts tourists from all around the world. The same applies in-game as well since the improvement can act as both defensive options and offensive maneuvers in terms of winning a Culture Victory due to its bonuses to both culture and tourism.

Moreover, its adjacency bonus for each Great Wall also encourages the massive construction of Great Wall connections around the civilization border to maximize its bonuses. As long as the Great Wall stands, the Chinese civilization in the game becomes a force to be reckoned with.

4 Hacienda (Gran Colombian)

Keeping A Warmonger Afloat With Extra Treasury

An image of Civilization 6: hacienda
  • Provide +0.5 housing, +2 gold, and +1 production as base yield
  • +1 food for every two adjacent plantations
  • Both plantations and other haciendas receive +1 production for every two adjacent haciendas

As one of the most dominating warmongering civilization, Gran Colombia stands to benefit from any buildings or improvements that can keep its conquered cities safe from rebellion and dissent. The existence of Hacienda alleviates those fears, as the improvement provides extra golds, production, and food based on the adjacent plantations and fellow haciendas as well.

Civilization 6: 7 Best City-States For Warmongers, Ranked

Warmongers in Civ 6 can become leaders of these city-states to earn buffs that will aid them in their goal for a Domination Victory.

Moreover, the extra housing provided by the improvement is quite beneficial to address the issue of overpopulation in some of Gran Colombia's cities, particularly the ones that have just been conquered.

3 Outback Station (Australian)

Convery Barren Tiles Into Rich And Productive Tiles

An image of Civilization 6: outback station
  • Provide +1 food, +1 production, and +0.5 housing as base yield
  • Each adjacent pasture provides +1 food and +1 production
  • Each adjacent outback stations provide both +1 food and +1 production

Tiles can sometimes be barren enough for the players to try to avoid settling near, especially when the tiles are either desert, tundra, or snow. Purposefully settling cities near those territories can prove to be deadly, as the city will not be as productive and efficient as other cities that have plenty of resources.

Fortunately, Australia will be able to address such concerns and make the barren tiles productive with the help of Outback Station. Desert Tiles that are adjacent to potential pasture tiles, such as Sheep and Horses will be able to enjoy a huge amount of bonus with the Outback Station.

2 Mekewap (Cree)

Generate Huge Amount Of Production And Gold With Adjacency

An image of Civilization 6: mekewap
  • Provide +1 production and housing as base yield
  • +1 gold if adjacent to a tile with luxury resource
  • Can gain additional housing, production, food, and gold based on researched technologies

As an impressive time improvement, Mekewap can grow a city to a new height single-handedly, as its base yield provides housing in addition to production. Moreover, the improvement will also grow over time as the Cree player acquires more technology while advancing through the ages.

Civilization 6: 10 Best Technologies To Watch Out For

Civilization 6 holds many great technologies that will enhance the ways that players experience their growing kingdoms.

These bonuses make Cree quite powerful when they can find a cluster of territory filled with resources, be it luxury resources or bonus resources. With these all-rounder bonuses, Cree players will be more than welcome to try pursuing all kinds of victory types without being forced to focus on only one of the types.

1 Terrace Farm (Incan)

Boosts The Early Game For A Solid Foundation

An image of Civilization 6: terrace-farm
  • Provide +1 food and housing as base yield
  • +1 food when the terrace farm is adjacent to a mountain
  • +1 food for every adjacent terrace farm
  • +2 production for each adjacent aqueduct
  • +1 production when adjacent to fresh water and not an aqueduct

Players usually refuse to settle near mountains as it means they have obsolete and unworkable tiles in their cities, despite all the adjacency bonuses for both Holy Site and Campus. However, Incans preferred to settle near the mountains thanks to its unique improvement, the Terrace Farm.

The farm itself is capable of boosting growth in cities, making it more beneficial and productive in the long run. Moreover, thanks to Incan's unique abilities, the Mountain tiles can be worked for some production, and eventually a food yield if it's adjacent to a Terrace Farm. This extra production can be worked into several important projects, such as recruiting a strong hero or continuing its domestic buildings to grow the city even further.

Sid Meier's Civilization 6

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
October 21, 2016
Firaxis Games