After fighting through Viper Manor in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, players will face a choice that has some interesting consequences. That choice is between actively attempting to save Kid from a deadly venom that she has been inflicted with and taking a more passive approach, and some fans may want more information about this decision before they make it. Providing that information is the purpose of this guide, and it will help players decide if they should save Kid in Chrono Cross.

Chrono Cross: Should You Save Kid

It is recommended that players do not choose to actively save Kid during a first playthrough, instead selecting the "I don't know" or "there's nothing we can do" dialogue options. The primary reason for this recommendation is that it will give fans access to one of the very best characters in Chrono Cross, and there are no real repercussions for following it. More specific details on all of this can be found below, though players should know that there are some spoilers amidst it.

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The first specific thing to note is that Kid will survive regardless of the choice that is made at this point in the game. Indeed, while Serge will not have a hand in curing Kid if a Chrono fan does not actively pursue saving her, she will eventually recover and be available as a party member. The decision to save Kid will impact which other party members can be recruited, though, and that is perhaps the most important thing to consider when choosing how to proceed.

chrono cross save kid

If a player opts to save Kid, they will be able to recruit Korcha, Mel, and Razzly in the sequences that follow. On the other side of things, fans that choose the alternative option will instead be able to recruit Doc, Glenn, and Macha. Glenn is the party member that was described as "one of the very best characters" in the game above, and indeed earning the opportunity to recruit him is the primary appeal of taking a passive approach to Kid's situation in the Chrono Cross remaster.

To note, the sequences that immediately follow this decision are determined by the option that is selected, as is the speed at which Kid is able to rejoin the party. More specifically, choosing to save Kid will send classic JRPG fans to a dungeon and allow the character to recover more quickly, while the alternative option will circumvent the dungeon and slow Kid's recovery. While these variables are fairly inconsequential when compared to party member recruitment, they are being mentioned here for the sake of completeness.

Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is available for PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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