The Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is out, and many fans are enjoying playing this classic RPG. There are plenty of characters to choose from when it comes to fighting enemies and players will have a lot of fun customizing the party to their personal liking. Some characters are very strong in their respective Elements, but a well-balanced party is needed to maximize their use.Related: Chrono Cross: The Best Party Members In The GameWith over 20 characters to choose from, players will have plenty of options, but it can be a little confusing where to start. Serge is going to be in the party for almost the whole game, so he’s a pretty big part of each party. If players are wondering which party set-up is best to use in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition, here are some recommendations.

10 Serge, Kid, And Sprigg As Slash

Chrono Cross Serge, Kid, and Sprigg

This is going to be a tricky one to use, mostly because Kid isn’t available for a good chunk of the game. Sprigg is also a tricky character to use because her Doppelgang Tech is the best thing about her. Transform her into Slash, and she’ll be more of a physical attacker. Kid and Serge are pretty well-balanced in both Strength and Magic Power, or players can opt to make them stronger in one or the other.

This trio might seem a little odd, but they have a Triple Tech that is very powerful. The Z-Slash only targets a single enemy, so players should use it against bosses or the strongest enemy in a group.

9 Serge, NeoFio, And Turnip

Chrono Cross Serge, NeoFio, and Turnip

NeoFio and Turnip might not look like much because of their small builds, but these two kids can be quite the powerhouse duo. NeoFio has low stats, but players can easily make her pretty powerful in either magic or strength. It’s best to have her focus on magic because Turnip has pretty high strength and a low Element pool.

What makes the two of them powerful is their DualTech ability TossedSalad. This does some serious damage and is pretty powerful. If players are looking for some Green Element characters, these two are worth investing time into.

8 Serge, Leah, And Draggy

Chrono Cross Serge, Leah, and Draggy

Draggy and Leah are young, but these two pack a wallop together. Leah is one of the strongest physical attackers, if not the strongest, along with high HP, Defense, and a high Element pool. It’s almost not fair to enemies how strong she is and can easily take out some of the strongest enemies in the game. Draggy also has high HP and pretty high Strength as well, making him a pretty powerful Red Element character. The two of them do lack Magic Power and Defense, so it’s best to equip them with armor and accessories that’ll help with this.

Serge would work best with this duo as a mage character. He’ll probably have to heal them a lot if going up against enemies that use a lot of Elements. Leah and Draggy also have the powerful DraggyRider DualTech together which packs a powerful punch.

7 Serge, Leena, And Razzly

Chrono Cross Serge, Leah, and Razzly

If players are looking for a strong Magic user party, this is one of the best trios to have. Both Leena and Razzly have pretty high Magic Power and will be great against any enemies that have vulnerable to their respective Elements. Razzly on her own has the Magic Power among the Green Element users, so players can give her powerful offensive and healing spells. Leena herself is no slouch and can be used the same way as Razzly.

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Serge’s Magic Power is good too, but not as high as theirs. What makes this trio powerful is that they can do one of the few Triple Tech abilities in the game which is the DeltaForce Tech that targets all enemies. It’s very powerful and is especially useful against powerful Black Element enemies since it’s a White Element Tech.

6 Serge, Karsh, And Zoah

Chrono Cross Serge, Karsh, and Zoah

If players are wanting a pretty powerful physical attack group, Karsh and Zoah are among the best. Both men are extremely powerful and have pretty high HP and Defense. Karsh doesn’t have a high Element pool, so players should focus on boosting his Strength. On the other hand, Zoah has rather low Stamina Recovery, but his Strength makes up for this.

The two Devas also have a really powerful Dual Tech skill called Dragon Spike which targets a single enemy. Serge should focus more on keeping them healed and using Elements to attack enemies.

5 Serge, Leena, And Poshul

Chrono Cross Serge, Leah, and Poshul

This trio might seem a bit odd, but they’re pretty powerful, especially at the beginning of the game. Poshul might look soft and cuddly, but this pink doggy packs a serious punch. She is a pretty strong physical attacker early in the game, possibly stronger than Serge. Plus, she has pretty high HP even later in the game. Leena would be great to utilize as a mage character and can focus on using offensive Elements or healing.

There will be plenty of Green Element enemies early in the game, so players should make sure to recruit Poshul before leaving Arni Village. Players should focus on getting equipment to raise her Strength and Defenses because her Magic Power and Element pool are pretty low.

4 Serge, Norris, And Grobyc

Chrono Cross Serge, Norris, and Grobyc

Norris and Grobyc are two of the strongest characters in their respective Elements. Grobyc has very high Strength, Defense, and HP, making him an excellent Black Element fighter. The downside of him is that his Element pool is low as well as his Magic Power and Magic Defense. If players want to use him regularly, equipping items that raise his Magic Defense would be best, so he won’t suffer from enemies that use a lot of magic.

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Norris has pretty high Strength, though not as strong as Leah. Overall, he’s a pretty well-balanced Yellow Element fighter. The two of them also have one of the strongest Dual Tech abilities in the game, the PitchBlack Tech. It targets all enemies and on the field so if players are going up against a lot of Black Element enemies or a boss, having these two in the party will help out a lot.

3 Serge, Orlha, And Glenn

Chrono Cross Serge, Orlha, and Glenn

If players are looking for raw power in Strength, this group is it. Orlha might not have any Double Techs with other characters, but it’s easy to see why that wouldn’t be fair for enemies. On her own, Orlha has some of the strongest single target Techs in the game and her SisterHoods Tech is crazy strong. The one thing that works against her is her rather low HP, but players can easily fix this with the right equipment and accessories.

Serge and Glenn are no slouches either when it comes to physical Strength and their X-Strike Double Tech is one of the best in the game. Thanks to his well-balanced stats, Serge can be used to heal the party and use some offensive Elements.

2 Serge, Kid, And Glenn

Chrono Cross Serge, Kid, and Glenn

One the best trios to have whenever possible. Serge and Kid have large Element pools, so they can be built to be the perfect balance of magical and physical power, or focus on one or the other. Kid’s strength isn’t as high as Serge and Glenn’s, so she can be used more as a mage if players wish so. However, she’s not a bad physical attacker and has one of the highest accuracies in the game.

Glenn is great for physical attacking and should mostly focus on that when fighting. Serge can be great for either physical attacking or using offensive Elements, making him very versatile in this group. Regardless, players will have the X-Strike Double Tech ability at this disposal.

1 Serge, Riddel, And Glenn

Chrono Cross Serge, Riddel, and Glenn

Riddel has one of the highest Magic Power, if not the highest, so players can utilize her as an all-around mage. She’ll be great to give powerful Elements to because she’s also one of the few characters that can recharge them. Give her the best equipment for Defense and boosting Magic Power because her HP and Defense tend to be a little low.

Serge and Glenn are always a duo that players can’t go wrong with. Glenn is a pretty powerful physical attacker and has some strong Techs at his disposal. Serge has the perfect blend of physical and magical strength. He can be given some strong spells too, but Riddel would be the best one to give the strongest spells to.

Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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