When it comes to battle systems in RPGs, Chrono Cross definitely has a unique one even among the games of today. Instead of characters learning spells on their own, players must either buy them, trap them from other enemies, or receive them from enemies after battle to get their hands on Elements. As the game goes on, some spells will only be available by trapping them from enemies. Players should make sure to stock up on trap Elements when they become available.RELATED: Chrono Cross: The Best Weapons, RankedThere are plenty of Elements in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition and Elements that heal either single characters or the whole party are pretty obvious to have. The Summon Elements are also pretty powerful and good to have, but they are tricky to use since the field has to be one color. If players are looking to have some great Elements in Chrono Cross, these are some of the best to have.

13 The Field Spells (All Elements Except White And Black)

Chrono Cross Blue Field Serge Radius tutorial
  • Level: 5+3
  • Target: Everyone

The Field Elements are pretty handy if players are looking to put their enemies at disadvantage and/or boost the power of one or more characters. Plus, it’ll make using the summoning Elements easier since the entire field has to be the color of the summon. These Elements are nice to have on hand, especially later in the game and against superbosses because their attacks will hit like a truck.

It’ll also increase the power of attacks and characters who are already strong on their own will be able to take out enemies in no time.

12 LoRes (Yellow Element)

Chrono Cross LoRes Serge
  • Level: 4+4
  • Target: Single Enemy

This is a debuffing Element that will lower the Defense of enemies, which would be ideal for a party that mostly relies on physical attacks. This element can be equipped on anyone so it’s not limited to a Yellow Element character.

Players should slot this as soon as it becomes available because the bosses only get stronger and tougher to beat. Any Element that helps debuff them will be a huge help and this Element in particular will make battles easier.

11 Vigora (Blue Element)

Chrono Cross Pip Vigora Blue Element
  • Level: 6+2 (innate Blue Element characters only)
  • Target: Single Ally

This Element will prevent Stamina from decreasing for a short period of time. It doesn’t sound like much, but some characters like Poshul and Zoah have pretty low Stamina Recovery. It will take them a while before they’re able to get their Stamina bar back to full, so this Element can benefit them a lot.

The downside of this Element is that only innate Blue Element characters can use it, making party member options limited. Thankfully, there are some pretty powerful Blue Element characters like Leena, Irenes, Orlha, and Fargo, who can put this Element to good use for either themselves or other party members.

10 EagleEye (Green Element)

Chrono Cross EagleEye Luccia Green Element
  • Level: 4+4
  • Target: Single Ally

This is a buffing Element that’ll increase Hit%, which always comes in handy if players are wanting to do heavy attacks pretty early on in the battle. The Ninety-Nine Red Element is also a good choice since it raises Hit% to 99%. However, it can only be equipped by innate Red Element characters versus EagleEye being available for all characters.

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This Element is useful at any time and players will want to have a few equipped, especially later in the game since the bosses get tougher. Any increase to Hit% is beneficial and this Element will be a great addition to have in an Element Grid.

9 ThundaStorm (Yellow Element)

Chrono Cross ThundaStorm Yellow Element
  • Level: 6+2 (innate Yellow Element characters only)
  • Target: All Enemies

This Element hits hard and will be the greatest spell to use against strong Green Element enemies. It’ll hit all enemies on the field for heavy damage and is one of the strongest Yellow Elements to have. The downside of this Element is that only innate Yellow Element characters can equip it. This not only limits the use of it, but most of the Yellow Element characters are more suited for physical attacking and have rather low Magic Power.

If players are wanting to use this, the best character to give it to would be Mel. She has the highest Magic Power among all Yellow Element characters. Her other stats are rather low, so players should give her some equipment to help boost them so she doesn’t die easily.

8 Carnivore (Green Element)

Chrono Cross Carnivore Green Element
  • Level: 5+3
  • Target: All Enemies

A pretty nice spell that players can get midway through the game and is very powerful. Luckily this Element can be equipped to any character so it’s not limited to only Green Element characters. Fargo will use this against the party early on in the game when they board the S.S. Invincible and players better be ready to heal afterward because it hurts.

The Green Dragon will also use this, usually when the entire field is Green. Players should make sure to set up a trap before this happens and prevent any damage.

7 Inferno (Red Element)

Chrono Cross Inferno Red Element
  • Level: 5+3
  • Target: All Enemies

This Element not only hits enemies hard, but it also has a chance to inflict the Burn ailment on them. This ailment will decrease Defense in battle and this Element can be equipped by any character. This is a good thing because most of the Red Element characters don’t have the highest Magic Power when compared to others like Riddel or Razzly.

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If players are wanting a Red Element character to have this, Miki, Kid, or Macha would be the best choices since they have pretty Magic Power among the Red Element characters.

6 Deluge (Blue Element)

Chrono Cross FATE boss Deluge Blue Element
  • Level: 5+3
  • Target: All Enemies

This spell is arguably the best Blue Element because of how strong it is and any character can equip it. There will be plenty of opportunities to get it in the Water Dragon Isle (Home World) since the Sidesteppa enemies use this element when the entire field is blue. The Water Dragon will also use this spell too so players should make sure to bring some traps to get it.

It also has a small chance of inflicting the Flu ailment which will affect Stamina Recovery. Players should make sure to equip accessories to prevent this when fighting the Water Dragon since there’s a pretty good chance it’ll happen.

5 Volcano (Red Element)

Chrono Cross Volcano Red Element
  • Level: 6+2 (innate Red Element characters only)
  • Target: All Enemies

Volcano does some serious damage to enemies and like Inferno, has a chance of causing the Burn ailment. Players will be able to get his spell midway through the game if they’re able to trap it from the Bunyip boss. This spell can only be used by Red Element characters, but luckily there are some strong ones that will be able to put this spell to good use. If players are planning on using Kid a lot, she’s definitely the best choice since she has pretty good stats in Strength and Magic Power.

Miki would be the best choice since her Magic Power is among the highest out of all the Red Element characters. Macha is also a good choice since her Magic Power is pretty high and she has good defenses.

4 FreeFall (Black Element)

Chrono Cross FreeFall Black Element
  • Level: 5+3
  • Target: Single Enemy

This Element might only hit one enemy, but it’s very deadly and should not be taken lightly. When used against the party, this Element has a pretty high chance of lowering a character’s HP to the red zone, and sometimes even killing them. Of course, the same thing can happen when players use this against enemies and should make sure to have traps for it before entering Fort Dragonia.

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Even when stronger spells become available later in the game, FreeFall is still a handy Element to have slotted. It also helps that anyone can equip this and those with high Magic Power will make this Element lethal.

3 HolyLight (White Element)

Chrono Cross HolyLight White Element
  • Level: 5+3
  • Target: All Enemies and will eliminate any undead

Longtime fans of the game will remember this Element because Miguel, a boss that players will fight at one point, used it so much. It hits all enemies hard and causes heavy damage to anyone who is innate Black Elements. Players should get the trap spell for HolyLight and use that when fighting Miguel because he uses it a lot. Not to mention it’ll prevent heavy damage against the party.

The Element itself is also great to have midway through the game and makes quick work against enemies. Even later in the game when there are stronger Elements available, this one is still not bad to have slotted.

2 UltraNova (White Element)

Chrono Cross UltraNova White Element
  • Level: 6+2 (innate White Element characters only)
  • Target: All Enemies

One of the strongest spells in the game. UltraNova is pretty heavy-hitting and players will find out how serious it can be when used against them. The Sky Dragon will use this a lot against the party so it’s best to set up traps to capture this spell and give it to the best mage characters.

This Element can only be used by innate White Element characters, but luckily for players Serge (who is always in the party) has pretty good Magic Power. Even characters like Riddel, Steena, and Starky have high Magic Power and can put this spell to good use.

1 BlackHole (Black Element)

Chrono Cross BlackHole Black Element
  • Level: 6 +2 (innate Black Element characters only)
  • Target: All Enemies

One of the strongest, if not the strongest, spells in the game. BlackHole is a nightmare if used on the party because it’ll instantly kill any innate White Element characters. This means Serge will die every time it is used since he is a White Element character. There’s no way to avoid it unless players set up a trap to get it in battle, but it can be tricky.

Ideally, Harle or Guile would be the best characters to give this spell to because of their high Magic Power. This spell can only be used by innate Black Element characters so its use is limited, but it hits so hard that it’s worth it.

Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition is available now on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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