Chris Hemsworth is known for playing Marvel's mighty Thor but many may not know that the actor is also skilled at delivering grounded roles outside the super-powered universe of Marvel. Hemsworth starred in 2020's Extraction, which debuted on Netflix to an overwhelming response. Ahead of the upcoming sequel, the actor explains how the filming process is drastically different from working on a Marvel movie.

While many viewers enjoy seeing Hemsworth as Thor, the actor has continuously expressed how much love he has for the character and the Marvel world. However, it also appears that Hemsworth's time as the Norse god of Thunder may finally be coming to a close. The actor has given a decade of his life to the character and many Marvel fans have gravitated toward his performance as the comic book hero.

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Flash forward to 2020 and the actor has given a multitude of performances. When Extraction was released, Marvel fans saw the actor in a much different light than what they were used to. "There's something so satisfying about that," the actor said to Entertainment Weekly. "Not to take anything away from the special-effects-filled sort of Marvel film, but you have a lot of help in post-production there." For those that don't know, Extraction is an action film that is very much based in reality. Hemsworth trades the super flight and thunder for guns and hand-to-hand combat.

chris hemsworth in extraction

"Obviously, I can't fly, so they help through me that. Whereas in this film, the action is grounded in reality, and so much of it is in camera. So, it's a different energy, and the preparation is a lot more extensive." In Extraction, the actor was seen in various fight scenes that were based in the realm of reality. Many compared Hemsworth's fight scenes to Keanu Reeves in the John Wick films as they're both fast, well-choreographed and nothing short of brutal.

While it may loog good on camera, filming a movie like Extraction is very dangerous as a number of things can go wrong in the many nail-biting fight moments that fans see in the final product. "Probably the most intense part was not so much the exhaustion levels," the actor continues, "but just the sheer terror of all the things that could have gone wrong, but thankfully didn't."

There's no right answer for which production choice is better as it's a matter of preference for both creators and fans. One is safer, flashier but less intense when watching the final product. The other is dangerous, and tiring but causes the audience to be on the edge of their seat. Both can be achievable but it's also true that both can leave a little bit to be desired. In recent times Marvel has been receiving a lot of backlash regarding their VFX as fans notice a dwindling level of quality due to the overworking of the graphic artists. So hopefully Extraction 2 proves that VFX isn't the answer to everything and that there's still a place for films grounded in reality.

Extraction 2 is currently in production

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Source: Entertainment Weekly