Players have been waiting a long time to finally get their hands on Chivalry 2, and now that the open beta is here, many already have. While the open beta serves as a great chance for everyone to learn how to play the game and for the developers to ensure that there aren't any problems with it before the full release, there is one question looming in these beta testers' minds. These players are curious as to whether or not their progress in the open beta will be carried over into the full game once that finally releases or if they will instead have to start over from scratch.

Chivalry 2 is set to officially release on June 8th, but players are able to jump in right now by joining the open beta. The understanding is that the game isn't fully complete just yet, and both developers and players mutually benefit from this arrangement. Players get a chance to play the game ahead of its release while the developer can keep tabs on any issues that might arise.

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Though it takes a bit of digging to find, Chivalry 2 dev Torn Banner actually has addressed this question already. As part of the support portal for the game, players can find a knowledgebase full of frequently asked questions and their answers. One of these questions is whether or not alpha/beta progress will be reset or if it will carry over into the full game. In response to this, Torn Banner makes it very clear that "for launch on June 8, player progress will be reset." This also applied to progress between betas.

chivalry 2 gameplay screenshot

While this news may come as a disappointment to some players, there are some bright sides to be found. For starters, players that didn't take part in the open beta will definitely appreciate starting on the same level as everyone else. Aside from this, it also gives players that took part in previous betas a chance to relearn the game and unlock everything again. Finally, resetting progress is likely a much easier solution for the devs, as it is very possible that things will have changed by the time the full game releases.

This doesn't mean that players should stop playing the beta altogether, but it does indicate that progression should not be a focus. Rather than try and burst through all the content the beta has to offer, players should just enjoy the game for what it is and provide any feedback they can to Torn Banner. Once the game releases in full, that's when the grind truly starts.

Chivalry 2 will be available on June 8th for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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