Surviving the radioactive wastelands in Chernobylite can be hard enough without the decisions that need to be made. In 2019, Chernobylite was released exposing players to surviving across the now mostly abandoned towns and forests of Chernobyl after the nuclear disaster of 1986. However, with portal-jumping aliens and ray-gun technology, this Chernobyl is arguably more difficult to adventure within.

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As a science fiction survival, players are challenged with not only looking after themselves but also the five other companions that can be recruited throughout the story. When combining the need for food, medication, happiness, and the progression of the story, it's of no surprise that these choices can be overwhelming with some being more important than others.

10 Recruiting Companions

Chernobylite mikhail close up

Although millions have evacuated the excursion zone around the power plant, there are still those that are brave enough to explore or even live within the ruins of these buildings.

It’s important to recruit each of the five companions for the best chance of surviving as they can increase important skills or be sent out to find resources. Each companion will also have a crucial role in the final mission of Chernobylite in order for the last pursuit of Chernobyl power plant to run smoothly.

9 Keeping Up Loyalty

Sashka stands in the base waiting to be healed by Igor in Chernobylite

After successfully recruiting a person it's important to keep them happy and make sure that they never wish to leave. This is done through completing their side missions that task players with collecting specific items or helping certain people.

It may sound simple but completing side missions in a certain way for one companion will anger another and therefore players must attempt to balance the praise and the scolding of the companions to make sure that everyone can get along nicely. Thankfully, by using Chernobylite, which, although expensive, can be crafted in the game; many of these choices can be changed within the Fractal Timeline by trial and error.

8 Sending The Team Out To Scavenge

Player collecting resources inside the chernobyl forest in Chernobylite

Chernobylite is survived through days and a single task takes a whole day to complete. Scavenging is essential for survival as this is the main way that the team can acquire medicines, weapon parts, and most importantly rations. Specific locations are more likely to supply certain items as well as random events like supply drops increasing the number of resources available.

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Choosing to send a companion out to scavenge depending on their skill or how dangerous the area is may risk them coming back injured which can affect the morale of the member. Luckily, the game is nice enough to present the probability of completing the task, and therefore companions can be moved around to different locations to see where they will be most beneficial. Sometimes it's better to let them rest back at the base if the risk is too high.

7 Splitting The Rewards And The Rations

Chernobylite's inventory quick menu showing a variety of items like rations and weapons

Like many survival games, upgrading gear through better armor or weaponry is important when staying ahead of the NAR Soldiers or aliens. This loot can also be dished out to the companions to better increase their skills which will greatly benefit them when they are sent out to search for resources. Certain companions will be better suited for one weapon than another, as it improves upon their strengths and avoids their weaknesses.

These units will also be expecting a ration at the end of each day and with food being scarce in the Excursion Zone players are tasked with deciding who deserves more food than others. Keeping the rations equal between everyone is a safe way of getting no complaints.

6 Honing Specific Skills

Wide shot of the companion Olga talking to the player next to a man in a hazmat suit

Leveling up in the irradiated wastelands can take some time. That's why it's a good idea to focus on specific beneficial skills that will make completing story missions and scavenging easier. Unlocking these skills is done through training with members of the team that each have their own skills they are experts in. Two of these skills from each companion can be improved twice such as being able to increase carrying capacity further.

Related: Things We Loved About Chernobylite (& Things We Don't)

It isn't essential to unlock every skill and therefore players can hone their builds to focus on their specific strengths or avoid skills altogether. If they aren't using assault rifles then there is no need to put points there.

5 Complete Missions Now Or Later

Person in Hazmat suit pointing at floating oil barrels

Each day in Chernobylite is dedicated to a set task. When missions start popping up alongside the need to scavenge for resources it can be hard to choose between progressing the story or going out to find more rations or herbs that are essential to surviving.

In most situations, the locations where missions are set will be abundant with resources that can be used, but this may not always be the case. However, the timers are quite generously set to be completed in roughly 15 days and therefore resource scavenging can be focused on before deciding to continue the story as long as the timer doesn't run all the way down.

4 When To Fight And When To Run

Black Stalker staring at Igor in Chernobylite

Choosing battles is a crucial part of surviving inside the exclusion zone. Gun Fights with NAR Soldiers or other enemies can take up a lot of bullets or be incredibly difficult. In some situations, it's better to lie low and sneak past rather than go in, all guns a-blazing.

The rewards may not be worth the bullets lost during the excursion or there may be an even more important situation later that needs those rounds. Not to mention the sanity hit killing enemies has, which can later cause the health bar to deteriorate if it hits zero.

3 Who Lives And Who Dies?

Dead NAR solider surrounded by Chernobylite

Other than meeting the members of the team others are also living out in the wastelands that can be interacted with to trade resources or progress the story. Some of these choices will include deciding if the person lives or dies due to what their past actions were.

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It is important to consider if a person should live or when it would be the right time to kill them as not everything is as it seems inside Chernobyl. It can also affect the outcome at the end of the game as well as if a companion can be recruited. This can also be changed in the Fractal Timeline if the right choice isn't made straight away.

2 Setting Up The Final Heist

Olga, Mikhail, Tarakan, Oliver, and, Sashka stand together in Chernobylite

The most important choices of the game are with the final mission. The players are expected to infiltrate the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant to finally get their answers, but this won't be easy with NAR Soldiers crawling the entire facility. Before even deciding to step foot into the compound each companion needs to be tasked with a specific role and this can be very difficult to decide.

Getting to know the companions through their side missions or how they act will help when making these decisions. Each companion will willingly opt for any role provided and by giving them the wrong one they will die during the final mission. This decision can't be changed without reloading a past save.

1 Completing The Last Mission

Altered World with floating islands and rocks inside the Chernobylite

The important choices never end as even during the heist the players are tasked with making even the most minute decision such as which direction to take. Every choice will have a detrimental impact that decides if everybody survives.

Deciding if to take on soldiers or task one of the companions with doing it is a difficult choice to make. It may take a couple of tries to get the right combination of decisions before making the right choice, especially as past decisions from the excursion zone can also affect these outcomes.

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