Chernobylite is a game that revolves heavily around managing a team. That includes resource distribution, keeping up morale, assigning tasks, and even maintaining a base. It means the player needs to be on top of everything. They need a good supply of food and resources, equipment, ammunition, medicine, and building materials. The team is based out of an old run-down warehouse that Igor has rented, one which needs constant renovation and modification to make the team more effective. This is done with a mechanic in which Igor can craft items for the base similar to settlement-building in Fallout 4.

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Building the base can be difficult. Resources are sometimes scarce, and it can be hard to tell what needs to be done. Igor needs to be constantly checking the base and adding anything he can to make his team more efficient and comfortable. Construction can be done at any time while Igor is in the base, simply by pushing a button to activate the build interface (on PC, it is "B").

Item Types

Chernobylite Base Items

There are three main categories of items Igor can build: Base Upgrades, Igor's Inventory, and Companions' Comfort. Igor will want to build items from all three categories, but the first two should take priority if pressed to choose.

Here are what each category consist of:

  • Base Upgrades are tools that increase the range of items Igor can produce or improve living conditions for his team.
  • Igor's Inventory, as the name implies, consists of equipment that can improve his inventory- for instance by allowing him to craft bullets, weapons, and armor. It also includes tools that allow Igor to upgrade his weapons.
  • Companions' Comfort may be a lower priority, but it should still be addressed as often as possible. This last category consists of items that can be used to improve morale, though many of them also serve a cosmetic function.

Getting Started

Chernobylite mikhail

Upon entering the hideout for the first time, Igor is introduced to the building mechanic and given the first step – building a simple workbench which allows him to start crafting more elaborate items. From there, the player can decide what to do next but Olivier offers a good suggestion – building a bed. Building beds for teammates is a very good way to keep up their morale – having to sleep on the hard floor will only stress them out. This makes beds something Igor should get on as quickly as possible whenever he recruits a new ally, or even have them ready before others join the team.

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Items from Igor's Inventory should be constructed as soon as possible, as they can be used to provide valuable resources that will save time and effort in the field. Being able to craft weapons and ammunition helps to ensure Igor is well-equipped. Building a laboratory allows Igor to craft medkits, which is good for both himself and healing other members of the party. There are also gardens that can provide resources. Building at least one vegetable garden will help maintain the food supply, while herb and mushroom gardens provide crafting materials.

However, some of these require base upgrades to be constructed first. The gardens, for example, can only be built after Igor has constructed a laser cutting machine. While there is no right or wrong order in which to build, this may require Igor to evaluate what is currently needed the most and prioritize accordingly.

Listen to Your Companions' Advice

Chernobylite mikhail close up

Igor's partners will sometimes share advice on how to set up the base. While Igor may not be able to take all of their suggestions right away, he should try to accommodate their requests at the first opportunity. Some of them will suggest useful tools to assemble, such as the revolver calibration tool.

In other cases, it will be suggestions for less essential things. At one point they may request that Igor get a radio and/or a houseplant, both of which can help make his allies feel more comfortable. While it may be necessary to prioritize depending on what resources are available, these requests should not be ignored.

Keep an Eye on Companions' Stress Levels

Chernobylite food distrubtion menu image

There are various potential stressors that can impact the psyche of Igor's allies. Monitoring their condition and noting possible issues is a good way to determine what needs building. The food distribution menu provides information on what will help members of the team and what will stress them out. Lack of food is a very easy stressor, which is why building a vegetable garden will help.

But there are other factors that may come into play. Not having a proper bed will cause discomfort, but as Igor progresses other issues may come up. For instance, he may have to address the problem of air quality or protection from radiation. Being aware of companions' stress levels and knowing what might be a problem is a good way to identify priorities. For instance, if the air quality is a problem, it might be time to build an air washer or at least an air purifier unit.

Build Lots of Storage Spaces

Chernobylite Storage Cabinet Cropped

The Igor's Inventory category includes lots of good options for producing resources, but it also contains a section for storing them. Igor can put together a good collection of resources both while on missions and, given the right equipment, in the base.

However, there is only so much he can carry at a time. Sooner or later Igor will run out of space in his inventory, which can cause problems if he suddenly has to dump parts of it to make room.

This is where storage becomes valuable. Any resources that Igor comes across – ammunition, food, medicine, crafting materials – can be stored in one of these structures freeing up space in his inventory without having to lose potentially useful items. Storage spaces are especially good for holding and stocking up on crafting materials, which will make base construction a lot more efficient in the long term.

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