The science fiction movie genre is as old the medium of film itself. The genre has changed a lot over the years, but the fantastic worlds and characters that make sci-fi movies special today are not all that different from the films of decades past. Sure, the special effects are better now, but there is still something charming and nostalgic about old black-and-white science fiction flicks.

The 1950s were a heyday for sci-fi media. Some of the most important movies of the genre were filmed during this era, alongside some of the worst films ever made. These films might sound simple on paper, but they carry some advanced ideas and cool concepts that are quite fascinating and entertaining despite the cheesy goofball elements.

8 Godzilla (1954)

Godzilla 1954

It's the movie that started it all. Sure, the dialogue might be atrocious and Godzilla is blatantly a man in a dinosaur costume, but those cheesy elements are simply part of the charm.

The original Godzilla movie has an anti-war, anti-nuclear message that still rings true to this day. Not only is this a historically important film, it’s a genre defining classic that still holds up. It also basically originated the kaiju film genre, something every film nerd should know about.

7 The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951)

The Day The Earth Stood Still 1951

Every good sci-fi movie has a message for its audience, and The Day The Earth Stood Still has one of the most powerful. This movie explores the dangers that mankind has imprinted on itself, specifically the dangers of the nuclear arms race. When an alien and his robot companion visit Earth, their one demand is simple: Earthlings must live in peace or risk total elimination.

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This isn’t a scary monster sci-fi movie, so much as it is a message-themed film with aliens and flying saucers. There’s nothing cheesy about world peace.

6 Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954)

Creature from the Black Lagoon movie

One of the coolest of the Universal monster movies, Creature from the Black Lagoon is as wacky as it is scary. Despite the outdated special effects, the Gill-Man is still pretty freaky, especially when he is floating around underwater and grabbing the legs of swimmers.

Just about every sci-fi and horror movie cliché appears in this monster movie, but there is something comforting about the familiarity of it. Silliness and cheesiness aside, this is a pretty darn good monster flick, and the underwater scenes are still impressive to watch today.

5 The Incredible Shrinking Man (1957)

the incredible shrinking man movie

Size change is a common theme in sci-fi stories, as it mixes up the power dynamics between characters and can often act as a metaphor for some larger themes. This is one of the better films of this subgenre, exploring the absurd scenarios a man must face as he slowly shrinks, and the incredible obstacles he overcomes as he gets smaller and smaller.

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From fighting off insects and other animals, to trying to navigate his now-massive house, this movie explores the dangers of the everyday exceptionally well. This is a movie begging for a remake in landscape of modern-day film.

4 The Thing From Another World (1951)

The Thing from another World movie

This classic locked-room sci-fi film is notable for its 1982 John Carpenter remake, The Thing. However, the original 1951 movie is still worth a watch.

The original is certainly less grotesque than the body horror of John Carpenter’s version, but it still manages to capture the tense feeling of terror as the Arctic scientists realize they are not alone. The monster might be kind of cheesy by today's standards, but it’s the convincing acting and direction that makes this a classic sci-fi film.

3 Plan 9 From Outer Space (1957)

plan 9 from outer space movie

This movie may have invented the term “so bad it’s good.” Don’t try to follow the plot or look for any coherency, because it simply isn’t there — this is a film that needs to be experienced firsthand to be understood. In a nutshell, evil aliens want to use a zombie army to destroy Earth. That description alone makes it sound like the cheesiest movie ever, and that is arguably true.

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Nevertheless, it’s almost impossible to watch this film without cracking a smile or laughing. There is something remarkably entertaining about this weird, broken film that it defies everything sacred about films themselves. This is still a beloved movie to this day, and with good reason: it’s fun!

2 Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956

For many sci-fi buffs, this is the definitive message movie of the genre. A warning against groupthink mentality and conformity in the era of the Red Scare in America, the film revolves around an alien invasion in which the alien “pod people” are able to replicate humans perfectly.

Far from just a social commentary film, Invasion of the Body Snatchers also explores the realism of an alien invasion and the difficulties of getting people to believe what is true. The acting is top-notch, and really nails down the panic of such an invasion.

1 Forbidden Planet (1956)

forbidden planet movie

A classic of the sci-fi genre, Forbidden Planet one of the most iconic film robots of all time. This classic futuristic spaceship flick follows a starship team headed to a dangerous planet in search of an expedition group that has disappeared.

Everything about this movie works well, from the interstellar soundtrack to the awesome sets and costumes. It is easy to see how this is named one of the most influential sci-fi movies of all time, despite its cheesy nature. For fans of the genre, this formative film is worth a watch.

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