With the recent announcement that Tales of the Jedi is heading back to Disney+ for a second season, many Star Wars fans are excited about the potential stories that could be told of the Jedi and Sith of old, present, and future. Star Wars has plenty of exciting characters strong in the Force, and Tales of the Jedi season 2 has plenty of room to tell and expand their stories.

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Over the decades, fans have fallen in love with many different Star Wars characters. Tales of the Jedi is the perfect medium for fans to watch the expansion of these characters, and provide them with room to grow. These characters can come from books, animation, movies, live-action shows, video games, or even obscure Star Wars lore.

9 Mace Windu

Star Wars

Mace Windu is one of the most popular Jedi amongst Star Wars fans. Not only is he iconic for his portrayal by Samuel L. Jackson, and the purple lightsaber, but he’s just a great Jedi Master. Considering that Tales of the Jedi takes audiences into the youth of these characters, it would be great to see a young Padawan Mace Windu and learn just how he came to be a Jedi Master.

Mace Windu has an interesting personality and seems to not be against tapping into some darker Force powers. His talents with a lightsaber see him almost take out Darth Sidious, which would make a prequel arc for Windu very interesting indeed, especially when fans could see him find his iconic purple lightsaber.

8 Taron Malicos

Taron Malicos is a Jedi Master that was introduced in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Malicos served the Jedi Order until Order 66, where he killed his clone troopers and escaped to Dathomir. Here, he fell to the Dark side of the Force and began to experiment and manipulate the Nightbrothers to gain further power on the dark planet of Dathomir.

Taron Malicos is one of the more interesting characters in Star Wars, as although he has only appeared in Star WarsJedi: Fallen Order, he is one of the few Jedi that lost hope of the Light side of the Force in the Jedi Purge, and his fall to the Dark Side, or even his peak as a Jedi, would make for a great story in Tales of the Jedi.

7 Plo Koon


It would be a surprise to not see Plo Koon in Tales of the Jedi, specifically because he is Dave Filoni’s favorite Jedi. Plo Koon is an extremely wise member of the Jedi Order, and he is vastly respected for a reason. His calmness and loyalty are one of the reasons he is so beloved, and it would be great to allow Plo Koon the space and episodes to truly shine and bring in more fans for his character.

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Even Plo Koon’s clone troopers adored his command, and they had graffiti on their ships that read “Plo’s Bros”. Plo Koon was unfortunately killed in Order 66, but a story about his time as a Padawn or Jedi Knight would be a great way to tribute his grand character.

6 Asaj Ventress And Quinlan Vos

Asajj Ventress LIGHTSABERS from Star Wras: Clone Wars

A canon Star Wars novel by Christie Golden titled “Star Wars: Dark Disciple” takes place between season 7 and season 8 of Star Wars:The Clone Wars. The novel would follow the Jedi Master Quinlan Vos and the former Sith apprentice Asaj Ventress. The story features a love story and one that ends in tragedy.

Without spoiling much, the chemistry between Ventress and Vos is grand and worthy of a story to be told in Tales of the Jedi. It would make sense to end Ventress’ story and tell Quinlan’s, considering he is mentioned in Obi-Wan Kenobi.

5 Obi-Wan Kenobi


Obi-Wan is certainly one of the most fleshed-out Star Wars characters, but there is always room for more of his stories. Audiences have seen how Obi-Wan Kenobi’s story ends, but they have not seen how it began. One of the more interesting revelations of his character is how he fell in love as a Padawan and would have left the Jedi Order with Satine Kryze if she had asked.

The love story between Obi-Wan Kenobi would have been beautifully tragic to be told in Tales of the Jedi, as it would show a Padawan in a forbidden love, and rhyme with the love story between Anakin and Padme, a story worthy of being told.

4 Tarre Vizsla

The Darksaber In The Mandalorian

Going far back in time would provide audiences with a story about Tarre Vizsla, the one and only Mandalorian Jedi. Being inducted into the Jedi Order around 1050 BBY, Tarre Vizsla’s story would take audiences as far back as they have ever gone. It would be a great story to show the division between Mandalorians and Jedi and show the creation of the Darksaber.

Tarre Vizsla is one of the most interesting Jedi in Star Wars due to his heritage and his lightsaber. The Darksaber is still around and causes constant fighting among Mandalorians and those who wish to yield it. The legacy of this blade is worthy of the story of its master.

3 Shaak Ti

shaak ti in star wars the clone wars

There is some confusion surrounding the fate of Shaak Ti, a Jedi Master who had a few deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith surrounding how she was killed. However, these deleted scenes depict her death from General Grievous or Anakin Skywalker. It would be great to see a story that would officially show how it ends.

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The most famed way that Shaak Ti died was at the hands of the newly christened Sith Lord, Darth Vader. It would be great to see the fallen Anakin Skywalker battle and kill Shaak Ti, and lead to a deeper reading into Revenge of the Sith.

2 Kanan Jarrus

kanan jarrus

After watching his master fall to the clones that they trusted, Caleb Dume ran away to survive Order 66 and changed his name to live on in memory of Master Depa Billaba. Kanan had to hide the fact that he was strong in the Force, and wielded a lightsaber, to protect himself and those around him from the threat of the Empire. However, Kanan’s motivations changed when he fell in love.

Telling the love story between Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla would be beautiful, especially when audiences know the tragedy of how Kanan’s story ends. There is an adoration for the love between Kanan and Hera, and if Dave Filoni wants to hurt the hearts of Star Wars fans, then this story should be essential.

1 Cal Kestis

Cal Kestis and BD-1

Although Cal Kestis is set to have his story further expanded with Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, it would be great to see the before of this Jedi Knight. Cal Kestis was a Padawan when Order 66 happened, and he witnessed the murder of his master, Jaro Tapal, at the hands of the clone troopers they both trusted.

Seeing Cal’s story as a Padawan, or even as a Jedi in hiding before being found by the Mantis crew would help to create a bridge between the Star Wars video games and the animation timeline, as Star Wars weaves all forms of storytelling create one canon-universe.

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