One of the best things developers can do for both themselves and their fans is a simple crossover collaboration. Being able to collaborate with another series not only allows developers to reach wider audiences but also serves as a fantastic treat for gamers that are already fans of both series. Many games have already embraced collaborations, such as PAYDAY 2 with its heisters and Crime.Net missions featuring the likes of Jacket from Hotline Miami, or even John Wick. Other examples lead players to Fortnite, where they can achieve a Victory Royale as Batman alongside Goku, Kratos, and Iron Man.

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Pop culture fans can rejoice at the idea of seeing their favorite franchises and series collab. There's nothing better than being able to finally see beloved characters from one series get the chance to interact with other heroes or villains from another universe. Often times, diehard fans take it upon themselves to make amazing fan fiction or fan art of crossovers they've dreamed of; imagining what it'd be like if their favorites ever got to meet. Here are some video game characters from separate series that would make for interesting BFF duos.

8 Morgana (Persona 5) & Paimon (Genshin Impact)

Morgana P5 & Paimon Genshin Impact

It's a tough gig being the comedic relief sidekick, and Morgana and Paimon know this struggle firsthand. Often time the Persona 5 and Genshin Impact's mascots are the butt of every joke or the subject of some playful (yet still painful) teasing.

On top of the attitude Morgana and Paimon get from the cast, these two are also bullied by fans for being too talkative. However, it is over these misfortunes that Morgana and Paimon would bond over and likely grow a wholesome friendship, although the pairing may drive some fans to plug their ears and run away, it's a cute pairing nonetheless.

7 Kratos (God Of War) & Hades (Hades)

Kratos GOW & Hades

There's much more to Kratos and Hades than meets the eye. Although they are both more commonly known for their short temper and fits of rage, they are still fathers that take their parental duties seriously. It's best not to crack a joke around these "dads of war", as they find little amusing, as they are far too focused on the task at hand. Whether that's protecting their family, surviving against other gods, or brooding with their hands in their beards.

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The God Of War and Hades characters are often antagonized, but no one knows how it feels to be the father of an unruly son, filled with resentment toward them and their power. It's always a good idea to have a good friend that can easily relate to one's side to get out all the stress and worries of fatherhood. Perhaps Zagreus and Atreus can have a little support group huddle of their own.

6 Monokuma (Danganronpa) & Wheatley (Portal 2)

Monokuma Danganronpa & Wheatley Portal 2

When it comes to adorable mascots that are secretly evil masterminds, Danganronpa's Monokuma and Portal 2's Wheatley are likely the first characters to come to mind. Both these famous antagonists are known for their cheery disposition while committing heinous acts that involve manipulation and murder.

These two are bound to have lengthy conversations about their evil schemes, exchanging their torture methods and even giving one another some pointers. These two simply love causing mischief for their own entertainment; at the expense of others. Hopefully, Chell makes her way to the Danganronpa cast to warn them before the evil pair can plan something truly horrific. Although, Wheatley would have to find a way off of his eternal resting place of space to do that.

5 Merchant (Resident Evil 4) & Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)

Merchant RE4 & Tom Nook ACNL

No matter where one is, there is always a lucrative way to make a few extra dollars. In the Merchant's case, that means following Resident Evil 4 protagonist Leon around, offering him weapons and ammo deals he (quite literally) can't afford to pass up. Tom Nook's case in Animal Crossing: New Horizons means following the player from town to town, and now to a remote island getaway just to ensure his business thrives, and he collects as many Bells as possible to remain the king of the monetary empire that he created in the first place due to his debt collection.

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These two may seem a bit greedy or even predatory when it comes to making a quick buck, but in reality, it's just good business. These two are dignified (and determined) businessmen that operate their services regardless of how dire the circumstances are. Tom Nook and the Merchant likely have tons of business practices, tips, and cautionary tales to share. Hopefully, the Merchant travels to the paradise of Tom Nook's island where the two can exchange ideas, rather than having their business meeting in the infected and murderous towns of Resident Evil 4!

4 Luke Sullivan (Street Fighter 6) & Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes)

Luke Sullivan SF6 & Travis Touchdown No More Heroes

Luke returns in Street Fighter 6 as an instructor at the Buckler Academy for mixed martial arts. However, just because he now has the responsibilities of both a leader and teacher doesn't mean he had lost his youthful (and often brash) edge seen in Street Fighter 5. Street Fighter 6 Luke is more humble and mature but still has a clear, easy-going side to him; stating that he spends his off time gaming and indulging in junk food.

Luke's "dude-bro" attitude would mesh perfectly with No More Heroes' protagonist, Travis Touchdown. Luke would undoubtedly appreciate Travis' goofy demeanor and lame sense of humor, bonding over the fact that both parties take fun and relaxation just as seriously as they take getting work done. These two characters would make a great fit for fighting, dabbling in action, then boasting their egos when they kick back with a cheap beer.

3 Bastion (Overwatch 2) & Mokujin (Tekken)

Bastion OW2 & Mokujin Tekken

A non-human entity that is often misunderstood, unable to show any real emotions, but still has a gentle side. Does this sound like Overwatch's Bastion? Or perhaps Tekken's Mokujin comes to mind first? Bastion, once a combat omnic in the war, is no longer the mindlessly violent pawn and spends lots of time with his famous avian friend, Ganymede, enjoying the wonders of nature. On the other hand, sentient dummy Mokujin is often called to battle, but only resorts to violence in times when the world is in need.

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Once Mokujin's job is done, he would likely spend some time with his new robot friend Bastion for a stroll in the forest to take in the sights and perhaps help Ganymede build a cozy nest. These two have a very similar vibe and energy to themselves and while the two don't exactly speak much (or at all), they would still find a way to connect for sure, with their mutual understanding of their existence, and potential love for bird watching in the forest.

2 Princess Zelda (Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom) & Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy 7)

Princess Zelda TOTK & Aerith Gainsborough FF7

Until Breath Of The Wild, Zelda hadn't been given an actual voice. Her gentle personality truly came out in Breath Of The Wild and Tears Of The Kingdom as she was given a larger role as well as a voice to express herself and an emotional range outside of reading text on a screen. Aerith has a similar story as the original Final Fantasy 7 had no voice acting and only gave Aerith a voice to embellish her personality in the FF7 remake.

Zelda and Aerith both play a large part in the lives of their respective protagonists. In a way, their gentle hearts and enthusiasm for the unknown helped motivate Link and Cloud to achieve their goals. Both the elegant Princess Zelda and bubbly flower girl, Aerith Gainsborough, have an incredibly similar sense of curiosity in the world and people around them; and kindness in their hearts that would make their chemistry near perfect.

1 Otacon (Metal Gear Solid) & Bentley (Sly Cooper)

Otacon MGS & Bentley Sly Cooper

Every sneaky espionage expert needs a talented tech-head behind the scenes to act as the brains of each operation; for Metal Gear Solid's Solid Snake, that's his otaku partner, Otacon (real name: Hal Emmerich) and for Sly Cooper's smooth protagonist, it's the timid and often pessimistic Bentley.

Otacon and Bentley both know that just because someone takes a role in the background of an operation doesn't mean they aren't important in the art of espionage and illusion. Despite their often awkward personalities, Otacon and Bentley likely have a ton to talk about; sharing tech tips, indulging in their inventions/findings, and bonding over the stressful job of their protagonist's right-hand man.

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