Pokemon Legends: Arceus has been a special Pokemon game in many ways, from its historical setting to its new way of battling and catching Pokemon. Due to its popularity and title, fans are beginning to wonder if Pokemon Legends:Arceus is just the beginning of a possible series of Pokemon Legends games. If so, fans have a lot to be excited about for the future, as it's possible that more regions from the far past will be explored and that means more ancestor characters.

One of the delightful parts of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, is that fans could recognize character ancestors. Examples include Commander Kamado's resemblance of Professor Rowan and Captain Cyllene's to Boss Cyrus. Many of the ancestors were related to characters from Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl since they are in the ancient version of Sinnoh. If there are to be future Pokemon Legends games, then there are plenty of character ancestors fans would love to see.

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Red And Blue's Ancestors

Gold versus Red.

Red and Blue are the protagonist and rival that began the entire Pokemon series. They are the ones that eventually spawned Ash and Gary of the Pokemon anime, and have appeared in plenty of other media such as Pokemon Origins, Pokemon Generations, and Pokemon Adventures.They have been in plenty of games other than the first, appearing in Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, Heartgold and Sousliver, Black and White 2, and Sun and Moon.

To see Red and Blue's ancestors would be amazing, especially since fans have known these characters since the early 90s. If a Pokemon Legends game explores ancient Kanto, Blue and Red's ancestors are a must-see. Could their ancestors also be rivals? Would they have the same Pokemon, like Pikachu and Raticate? There is a lot that could be interesting to see.

More Villain Ancestors

Split image of Giovanni and Lunasamine.

Villains are among the most interesting characters in the Pokemon series. Pokemon Legends: Arceus already showed a good few ancestors of villains from Team Galactic in Sinnoh. However, Team Galactic is known as one of the least memorable Pokemon villains. Future Pokemon Legends games can show ancestors of far more interesting and memorable villains such as Giovanni, Lusamine, Guzma, Max, and Archie. Seeing what the developers can do with their designs set in an ancient region would be a lot of fun. As shown in Pokmeon Legends: Arceus, the ancestors also do not necessarily have to also be villains.

Even major villain characters that are more famous in the anime, like Jessie and James, can have ancestors in another Pokemon Legends game. After all, Jessie and James both have appeared in games like Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. Another character, who can technically be called a villain (for part of the game) is N. In the Black and White games, N is a major fan favorite character. Seeing his ancestor would certainly get fans excited.

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More Elite Four And Gym Leader Ancestors

Split image of Misty and Opal.

Over the course of many generations, Pokemon as a vast line of Gym Leader and Elite Four trainers they can play with. Of course, some are considered far more memorable and interesting than others. Misty and Brock from the first generation would be an especially popular choice due to their nostalgic value and roles in the anime. Anyone from the first generation would be a good choice, as they have been in a lot of games. This includes Koga, Erika, Sabrina, Erika, and Blaine.

There are also Gym Leader and Elite Four members that are popular due to their memorable designs, such as Opal, Valerie, Skyla, Winona, Wallace, Fantina, Elesa, Sauntal, Acerola, Roxie, Leon, Iris, Piers, and Drayden. Memorable designs would go a long way for players to recognize ancestors. For example, Piers' ancestor could easily be identified by the hair and Opal by clothes. Not only that, but their ancestors can be connected in some way to the Pokemon type the Gym Leaders and Elite Four specialize in.

More Pokemon Professors

Split image of Oak and Kukui.

Along with villains and leaders, Pokemon games always have their professors. Some were far more popular than others. Oak would be a good choice due to his fame and nostalgia. Kukui, on the other hand, is a professor many love because he wears a lab coat with no shirt like a true professional. Female professors are also well-loved, like Sonia from Sword and Shield and Juniper from the Unova region.

With there being just one professor per region (usually), they are all pretty memorable characters. It would be interesting to see if their ancestors were also very curious about Pokemon. It would also be fun is their ancestors were very different people, perhaps even being villains.

AZ And His Family

Az holding Floette.

AZ is a special case, as he is over three thousand years old. He could be the one character in a Pokemon Legends game is not an ancestor, but a younger version of himself. He is one of the most interesting characters of the series, but got very little attention despite his unique backstory of being thousands of years old and creating the ultimate weapon during a war between two nations. If there is ever a Pokemon Legends game set in historical Kalos, it could be during that war with AZ's younger self.

The man would look pretty different, as his most memorable aspect, his height, was actually because of his exposure to the ultimate weapon. Fans could also meet his brother, who apparently buried the ultimate weapon. His mother was also notable for giving him his precious Floette, but fans never got to meet her since she was alive only thousands of years ago.

There is a ton of content the history of Kalos and AZ can dive into for a future Pokemon Legends game. This is especially true knowing that there are multiple universes in Pokemon. So players changing the course of history is no worry. They could in fact stop AZ from using the ultimate weapon in the first place.Of course, this would all happen while also meeting ancestors of Kalos characters such as the ancestor for Korrina, Lysandre, and Sycamore.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is available now on Switch.

MORE: Pokemon Legends: Arceus Ancestor References Get Better the Further They Stray