It's not just Cyberpunk 2077 seeing a resurgence in popularity, but the developer behind the game, CD Projekt Red. The company seems willing to capitalize on this momentum, recently revealing several key details at a recent investor meeting. Fans already knew that CD Projekt Red was working on a new Witcher saga, but it also confirmed that a proper sequel for Cyberpunk 2077 was in development.

Perhaps the most exciting announcement is that CD Projekt Red is working on a new IP, simply dubbed Hadar. It's in the absolute earliest stages of conception, with a "strike team" working on that, and while concrete details were obviously not provided, CD Projekt Red said fans shouldn't expect any major "surprises" from the IP. In other words, CD Projekt Red wants to rely on its strengths, suggesting this is going to be another open-world RPG. That's perfect for the developer, but with that in mind, there's a strong case it should be a Sci-Fi game.

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CD Projekt Red Must Expand Its Strengths with the New IP

cd projekt red hadar

No matter what Project Hadar turns out to be, it's going to be compared to the Witcher 3, the new Witcher games, Cyberpunk 2077, and of course depending on the time of the releases, perhaps even Cyberpunk 2077's sequel. One comparison that would not bode well for project Hadar is if it were another fantasy game like the Witcher or another cyberpunk game like Cyberpunk 2077. CD Projekt Red's talent for open-world RPGs means it could do just about anything, and retreading the same approaches would only do the new IP harm. Indeed, when Cyberpunk 2077 was first revealed, the whole idea of a cyberpunk game from the Witcher developer carried the momentum of its hype for years.

If CD Projekt Red takes fantasy and cyberpunk off the board, the biggest question is what setting and style the game would take, and Sci-Fi is perfect. It's more than just cyberpunk, and it's a completely different tone from fantasy. And sure, there is competition like BioWare's upcoming Mass Effect 4 and Bethesda's Starfield, but this new IP is likely years and years away. The new Witcher saga will begin before it releases, and again, it's probable that the Cyberpunk sequel does as well. There's certainly space for more Sci-Fi RPGs in the industry, and years out, that's an even stronger stance.

What's more, CD Projekt Red has billed this as an original IP, built from scratch, meaning it won't be based on an existing property like Witcher or Cyberpunk. This is the company's time to expand its libraries, and when doing that with its current line-up of games, it should look up to do so.

CD Projekt Red has several projects in development.

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