While it had strong sales, Cyberpunk 2077 was a disappointment to many. The game had performance issues, and its graphics, audio design, and storytelling left much to be desired, especially in comparison to other high-budget RPGs. In the time since its release, CD Projekt Red has made it a more stable experience with patch 1.5 and beyond, but given a sequel to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is set to be the Polish developer's next project, there's no telling what the future holds for Cyberpunk.

The Cyberpunk universe is rife with characters and customizability, and Cyberpunk 2077 only explored a fragment of it. There are limitations to video games that tabletop RPGs don't have to abide by, as homebrew rules are often the preferred method of play. However, extracting the spirit of Cyberpunk 2020 and leaning into what the tabletop game does well could be an effective way to ensure that the Cyberpunk license redeems itself and restore's CD Projekt Red's otherwise stellar reputation.

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Tabletop RPGs Bring a Lot of Freedom

Cyberpunk 2020 Tabletop

In any tabletop RPG, players are drawn to the idea that endless possibilities can occur. Cyberpunk 2020 is packed with locations and characters like Kei Arasaka, Morgan Blackhand, and Trace Santiago that are noticeably absent in Cyberpunk 2077, and for fans of the tabletop RPG this was a huge disappointment. Each character feels truly unique, so there are a wide range of options that can be taken advantage of without breaking player immersion. Like Dungeons & Dragons, Cyberpunk 2020 is a game that is successful not just because of its world building, but also the responsibility it gives to players.

Not only does the medium prove more fun and customizability can be had in this universe, it could even be a fantastic plot device for unique gameplay and narrative elements to unfold by itself. For example, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands immerses itself in Dungeons & Dragons lore and aesthetics. Enemies are varied, the locations are excellently crafted, and the story it tells is unique. Cyberpunk's sequel would do well to follow the same idea. Instead of using the source material as inspiration, it should use the TTRPG as a blueprint, as the property already has everything CD Projekt Red needs.

Cyberpunk's Sequel Shouldn't Take Risks

Cyberpunk's protagonist, V, overlooking Night City

Cyberpunk 2020 has been a major player in the tabletop RPG scene since 1988, and its world is far more dense and varied than Cyberpunk 2077 showcases. The latter explores just a piece of the story that has been loved by many fans over the decades, so there's more than enough material for CD Projekt Red to explore with a sequel. Cyberpunk 2020 is still relevant today, so it's not like the company would be dragging up lore that is outdated and unpopular in a bid to recapture its magic.

The source material has proven it's capable of developing narrative threads that are engaging and long-lasting. Just four editions of the game have provided thousands of hours of enjoyment, and Cyberpunk 2020 is still the definitive way to experience Night City in all its glory. The sequel to Cyberpunk 2077 could explore elements of the tabletop original, and CD Projekt Red would do well to lean further into it. The game can't afford to take risks, as the Cyberpunk license now isn't known for quality and stability in the video game space. Using Mike Pondsmith's offerings to ensure that any Cyberpunk 2077 sequel is a hit should be a no-brainer, as it has many components that the developer could use.

Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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